auto mechanic????

whre is the best place to train to be an auto mechanic? i really want to try it out, and love working on cars, any info/opinions would be great.

dont go to rosedale… i think wyotech is the best around here. from what i have seen. i have worked with some people from rosedale when i worked at firestone. all i was there for was tires and oil changes… not certified. i knew more about brakes and diagnostics then 2 of the 3 guys that were at rosedale.

i tell you what though…you go to wyotech or something like that. get into a shop ASAP you learn so much more with hands on. the mechanics that work on our tow trucks teach me more in one day then i think you can learn in a month at a school.

my skillz>urs yo!:finger: Now call me up and stop over,we are drinking man!

you don’t learn shit until you get in a shop. If you want involved with the big 3 go ccac

The best knowledge is hands on experience in the field. As said if you want to learn the big 3, go to CCAC program. If you want to go get a good general learning of everything go to wyotech. I went there as Vale tech and i do pretty well for a dealer tech. Good luck

thanks guys. i will look into the schools. i want to get a solid general knowledge down, and then take it from there. this might sound stupid, but do any shops hire before your certified?

too get in with ccac you’ve gotta have a “sponsorship” at a dealer, which basicly says that between semesters you go to the shop to work and learn. semesters are 2 months then you’re in the shop 2 months, that goes on for 2 years, then when you graduate you’ll be full time tech there, unless you wanna go somewhere else or something. You can work while you’re in school but you’re still limited shop hours, so you might get in only 3 hours a day

dude, if you like working on cars, pick a different career. it’ll ruin it for you. go for nursing or something that pays good with good benefits so you can still have toys and work on them in your spare time.

yeah, that is true, most likely you’ll be sick of it after 20 years but your knowledge will rake in the money

and no one says you have to be a tech all your life

I’m at Wyo-Tech if you want a good foot in the door I say come here they teach you everything and train you in every aspect of the automobile.Not to mention when you graduate they give you lifetime guarenteed job placement.