Auto poetry...make your own

I’ll start, one for the most recent garage queen.

Oh Skyline, you slut
How much to repair your woes
I fear that, I do.

Look at the STI’s Galore, its a tall white man… pedal to the floor
the pink rims make it look faster, in the banks eyes you are a bastard
you drive so fast, so fast to out run them, but the bank has computers
and they keep track of your fun gem, they dont wish to see you
because your unbrushed teeth smell like… pee
now your beautiful STI is hitting warp speed, nothing anyone needs
faster and faster it goes… it goes right past your car because your car blows
oh my god are we going out into space, theirs flames around the car so this must be the case but wait… no its not, your car is afire its about to burn to the ground, right to the tires holy shit you better get out, i hope you have a fire extinguisher, that will stomp the problem out. but wait no fire extinguisher is near, o man that was stupid, a loss of thirty thousand dollars he believes, he fears. Its all good though people are giving him money. so he can go to a casino and life will be sunny. In the end though he will continue to do bad things. in my moms basement, to her teat i cling.

yah so thats how i decided to procrastinate

:rofl 7/10

The context of “slut” has never made that word more hilarious to me.

Poor Skyline. :frowning:

'tis true skylines are sluts!

omg Murrdog killed it!!!
HAHAHA! I’ll give it a 8.5/10


sti you have forsaken me
to the gods your engine has gone
evo be my angelic wings

do haiku’s count? :slight_smile:


not about a car, but heres my poem

haikus are easy
but sometimes they don’t make sense

my car used to be square
but now…
it is not

When you want some CP
You know where you need to be
That place is Bogies

…OT we go

Dont you get loud

Shift here we go…

Skyline and Porsche, both I do have
It’s sunny out, let’s give them a bath
I drive the Porsche casually
Then it goes and breaks down on me
I drive the Skyline like it was made to be
Then something happend, WTF TRANNY
So both cars are broke, with no ETA in sight
Set them on fire, I may, I might.

cossey dont do that, just modify the subaru and let that catch fire. its natural.

So when you drive with no insurance
You better pray for no occurrence
Because if your shit happens to catch fire
You will become carless like Sean Myers
And this website called Shift 518
A forum im sure you hate
Will constantly remind you your dumb
For years and years to come

:lol +rep