Auto Shift Knob

Hey guys, well i got a problem i installed a dvd moterised indash deck, and it doesnt clear my auto shift knob, so i was wondering if some one had a diagram or could tell me how to get the oem shift knob off so i can put on my aftermarket shift knob.

Good ol’ fashion way!


You wasted you’re money on an indash DVD player? You said you need ebrake cables and steering rack and all this BS.

And it’s still auto. AND you’re 16. You’re brown aren’t you?

Yes, LOL. I kinda got it very cheap as my bro trade his civic si for the indash, as he lost the registration.


which one s14 was this?

iirc, the auto shift knob is one unit. I think you have to jack the car up, and disconnect it from the tranny, and it should come out.

If you have a service manual it shows you how.

s13 sorry, and i just want the knob off not the whole shifter assembly

Did you miss the part where it’s one piece?

Removeing the auto stick takes like 10 minutes…going slow lol…

jack up the car… take off both front wheels so the car is in neutrual.

after that unbolt the tranny from the engine you should see a small pin in the suspention take that out

next…remove your headliner and sunroof and rear seats.

then jsut pull on the auto stick and should be good.

note:dont have your gas tank full when you do this

^^^ hahaha

in-dash dvd players are a gimmick i think, unless you have a family and drive a mini-van, so the kids can watch the movie “cars” while driving to cayuga,

but thats cool, just put the car in first gear when you turn on the unit?

Ye i guess, but they are not gimicks they are actually useful especially when there touch screen. Everything can be done with one unit basically. With me deck i have in compared to the last one quality IS WAY BETTER, and this is with stock rear speakers and fronts not connected, so i would say it sounds alot better when u got control over most things.

if u wanna stick with auto, see if u can retro fit an old Hurst shifter from a charger or there(like the one in general lee from dukes of hazzard) if you could i bet it would clear since its low profile and slim

he should ask nautica_t, he retrofits everything, i heard that once he was able to retrofit his dad’s nuts to his chin