Auto shipping?

I remember paying 800 for the car (5 years ago), and nearly 1100 for the f150 (4 years ago)

This is such a fucking repeated topic that we should just make a fucking sticky about it, holy fuck. No, I’m not going to tell you who I used, fucking do like I did, get some fucking quotes, and fucking decided for yourself.

Look you piece of shit all you do is post negative BS in every fucking thread.


Obviously current and relevant opinions and reviews are fucking needed

And because of this thread someone actually PMed me a shipping company I wouldn’t have fucking found other wise and they gave me a great quote.

quattro is the worse poster on nyspeed, he is worse than I use to be.

wait til march and drive it. shipping companys can be pretty sketchy. mistersnowman probabaly knows someone tho. id pm him


Mind sharing?

I post negative shit in threads that ask the same idiotic thing that has been asked a million times before, there is a difference.

Just start a thread asking what shipping company should I use when you want to ship a car.

And lets skip the obvious that the biggest part about shipping is the service. I’d gladly pay more to know I’m not going to get dicked around, fucked on schedule, car thrashed, etc. Can’t figure that out from a quote.

The funny thing is, I told you to PM me because I couldn’t remember who I used… and now I can’t find any emails.


It was a booking agency, the truck that came was from “The Wagonners” or something like that.

Buy me a flight and pay for gas.

I’ll get it to buffalo…probably

We used DAS for my brothers evo from Cali. Car was perfect and on time.

“What do you mean I’m late and this isn’t even the car? Yes, Las Vegas is on the way to Buffalo.”


Just recently had a car shipped from Ontario to here in VA. No complaints about the company, only problem was getting it across the border.


I’m not driving to Houston to Buffalo with out stopping and sleeping…and im not sleeping in the car lol

yea that is a diesel drive without stopping for a night…and that’s coming from someone that does a fair amount of road trips

Mapquest says less than 25 hours. That isn’t bad at all. I mean, why waste $40 on a hotel haha.

25 hours + the time spent travelling from buffalo to houston (at least another 6-7) + time spent working out the deal with the car (another 2) = ~35 hours with no sleep. Seriously dangerous to be driving a car alone for that long with no rest intervals. I’ve done 16 hours with 2 people in the car to talk to, and I swear I was practically delirious after that drive.

I have driven to Dallas to Buffalo multiple times its a 25-26 hour drive.

Even with two people you end up need to stop and sleep for a few hours.

I am seriously disappointed. Sleep on the plane, legitimize that shit, drive home. Worst case you sleep in the car for 2 hours and you’re back at it. I have driven 24 hours without letting someone else drive a couple of times, but if you can’t do it don’t.