
Anyone else see this movie yet? I saw it last night. IMHO it was absolutely amazing! CGI was out of this world! Story concept was cliche, and the movie was predictable, but it was a great movie all in all. Oh, and it was all in 3D, which was really sweet.

“This is not only the most elaborate public-service commercial for those of the tree-hugger persuasion; it’s also a call to save what we’ve got, environmentally, and leave indigenous people as they are - an argument applicable to the attempt of any nation (say, the U.S.) to colonize another land (say, Iraq or Afghanistan).” link

I want to see this, but lol. Cant’ we leave the politics out of entertainment?

there is plenty of entertainment without politics

I disagree with that statement that you quoted. If anything, it is more along the lines of a cowboys and indians type story durring the gold rush. See the movie and you will understand what I mean. Definately worth the watch though.

there is a lot of hype for this movie, I wanted to see this when the preview was out awhile ago, the hype is just killin me though

I plan to see it sometime after Christmas. Hopefully the theaters aren’t as packed then.

Awesome movie, CGi and 3d made it seem like you were in the movie. Reminded me of the movie Pocahantas and Fern Gully all in one… except Avatar isnt gay lol. I walked out saying that all movies use the same plot formula. I want to see it again.

Well now I want to go see it not like I didnt want to before its just all the talk about 3d is peeking my interest, Guess I will go this weekend after Christmas to see it

pretty fucking awesome. loved itq

my thoughts exactly lol. Like I said, it is predictable, as are most movies. They fallow the same basic outlay. But it is soooo worth seeing. I’m definately seeing it again. The 3D was just outright fucking awesome! Only problem I had with it was because of my right eye being fucked up, it made it hard to focus on some of the 3D stuff, but it was still badass! If I had full depth perception it would have been 10x better lol.

I cant wait to see it. HAVE TO SEE IT IN 3D. The modern 3d camera was invented specifically for this movie.

Dances with smurfs

Just got back from seeing it… holy shit it was great! Kinda predictable on some parts but no matter… One of the best movies ive seen in recent years.

Did NOT know it was 3D until I walked out of the theater and the 3D show was playing next door.

I saw this in the 3D. was absolutely amazing and i kinda wish i woulda saw it at IMAX now. Either way it was def the best movie i have been to in a long time. Kinda pissed off i have to come back to shitty reality.lol

Wrong. You should have said most low-brow action movies are predictable.


I have been wanting to see this since I saw the first preview at the saw6 premier, then again when they showed it at the new moon preimier.

I love letty (michelle rodriguez) was sad to see her killed off in the fast and the furious.

monster in law.

lol my buddy said Dances with Wolves… Dances with Smurfs is way better lol

Saw this today. The 3D was very well done. Didn’t seem gimmicky. The story was very predictable but everything kept a good pace to keep me pulled in through the whole movie. Imax was sold out, Saw it in digital 3D. I will probably go see it again for Imax.