BANDWAGAON. so many ppl swinging from the ballsack of whitey
sooo many ppl just get sick of hearing whitey makes sooo much money…
:blah: quik leave then dude. just realize YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT.
have a nice day. :bigok:
exactly when he doesnt. Quik just needs to get a life and worry about himself except everyone else.
Whitey Ballsack rider member #001
this coming from a young kid, telling me get a life. this started off as avatars that ppl had before got deleted. stated is ppl that had avatars before would be able to keep theirs, but i guess if the server goes down so does that privlege
do you really think whitey makes money off pittspeed? even if he did, it would be a matter of dollars dude.
do you understand the costs of the materials to make pittspeed stuff… do you think they make that shit and then you pay IF it sells? whitey put himself in debt over a website of a bunch of friends… it grew, who’s going to complain about that other than you?
fuck that quik… whitey isn’t buying a lotus and taking months vacation… you do realize he has a real job as well? its’ not like he sits back on pittspeed and rakes in the $
just drop it man…
this coming from a young kid that acts more mature then you. correct. pretty sad.
there no room i have them to my self!!! :booty:
“It is not what Pittspeed can do for you, but what you can do for Pittspeed.”
Quik, seriously, you sit there and begin a thread about avatars, then proceed to make outrageous allegations about Whitey’s personal intentions, finances and credibility…and every supporting member of Pittspeed for that matter, donor or not. You are not complaining about avatars, you are not complaining about sigs, and I don’t think you are a stupid person but you obviously know nothing about the backend of pittspeed, what is involved in keeping it up and running for everyone and you have no facts to back yourself up. If you are a donating member then I’m sure Whitey will be happy to help you out with your avatar, if you don’t donate and you’re just along for the ride, stfu.
no im not a dontating member.i was under the impression months ago my hoodie was only 25 or 30 bucks not 40!!!so i told him put rest to the membership. but i found out it was 40 that pissed me off then now they go for 25. i didtn start this tread if you look. devon did. i just stated that ppl that had avatars lost them cost of the down server. if we were grandfather with our avatars then they should be put back if we had them but i guess that isnt the what happens.
nice day, go stunt!
okay, the first run of hoodies was most likely more expensive because of setup fees and the lesser quantity ordered months ago, in the beginning. Now they sell for less because Whitey’s probly selling more. More hoodies made=less cost to make them. If Whitey was out to make money he wouldn’t have lowered the price of the new ones. Its like buying a new car one year, and the next year the price of a new car went down so the company can compete in the market. Also, if you paid for it before the cost was confirmed thats your own dman fault.
The rest of your post I dont understand…sorry
ok look at the 25 dollar hoodies, tell me if they are the same as the pittspeed hoodie you have… um no they are not
ok the cheapest the hoodies ever were, were 30 and 35. that was the first batch of hoodies a looooooong time ago
see that in this thread right here,
you just have no clue what you are talking about. do some research on grandfathering and then get back to me, you will see I am in the right for what happened
preach oooon!!
my hoodie is junk sorry, its a poor quailty of material. its the same type of hoodie you get for 10 bucks, cause i have afew of them. when washed and dried they shrink like crazy. my 2x is now a large. so first batch was 30 great but i paid 40 if i woudl of known it was 40 no way i would ofpaid that much for it. also if you have something from before then why cant you have it now? i understand the server went down, shit happens but it be cool of you to allow those members that lost theirs to put the same one back up, all im saying. you dont see me changing my avatar any more or havent in almost ayear.
thats cause you couldnt :kekegay:
you are one of the few that have had issues with the hoodie, i have had the same one since the first batch and it still fits good and definitely keeps me warm. and i have worn it hundreds of times. almost daily!
did you ever think it was user error? that you washed it wrong? i am not going to argue the point, its retarded.
let me explain grandfathering to you. take a public building built in the 1800’s. They did not have handicap rules like they do now, so obviously the building weren’t made handicap accessible. They were grandfathered into 2005 not need handicap accessibility. well one day in 2005 part of the place burns down and they need ro rebuild a section of the building. when they do that they need to build the building to code and now have handicap accessibility. the grandfathering of the handicap accessibility is now null and void since they had to do a major rebuild
its the way shit goes, and i am not going to change it as it does give incentive to the people who want to help out with the board and pitch a measily, 15 bucks a year.
15 isnt much at all and can be pissed away but its the principle. why do you think not to many ppl dontate? its cause of how things are on here
such as??? i think the site is staying petty clean and drama free since the removal of E-fighting
How are things? besides a great community growing at an insanely high rate