Avtul-50.DLL Chrome error

ARGH! So annoying. Is anyone else getting this while using Chrome?
Ive looked for fixes online and i tried the electric sheep one(i dont see why or how these two completely separate entities are connected) and the swapping around the .DLL itself fix. it still gives me shit. anyone know how to fix this crap?

easy fix would be to use firefox instead of chrome


i havent had any errors like that… im no computer expert maybe a uninstall reboot and reinstall?? i have no idea

the reason i didnt use chrome for a while now is how much faster it is that FF, ya know?

Is this a joke? Vot is getting a “get_pix” error? :rofl

I have not had a problem with Chrome.

This. Use the Add/Remove Programs tool windows has. Uninstall it, reboot, reinstall (from a fresh download of the installer). Shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes.

I got somthing similar to that and doing ^ worked great

i just tried clicking ok on that diag box :facepalm