Back to I.E. I go.....

I have been having issues with Firefox. Doesnt matter if I use 2.0 or…The browser runs slow…every few seconds…stops responding and then it’s fine. Very difficult to do anything. I am going to try to find a fix but meantime, hello Internet Explorer. :2fingers:

Why not just remove all setting files/Temp Files/Uninstall plugins

meh or just format again :lol:

why not just stop using shitty ass vista :wink:

ever try opera?


why not just stop using shitty ass vista :wink:


Because Vista is not the issue. This began recently. Just because you have 3567544 years local net experience, doesnt mean you know squat about Vista:D

Just delete all the temp files/settings for Firefox…and uninstall/reinstall it…


Because Vista is not the issue. This began recently. Just because you have 3567544 years local net experience, doesnt mean you know squat about Vista:D



ur one to talk :stuck_out_tongue:


Just delete all the temp files/settings for Firefox…and uninstall/reinstall it…


Good advice genius…I only done this 5 times

Really so you went into Local settings and Application data and removed all firefox folders?

Did you try checking the event log?


Really so you went into Local settings and Application data and removed all firefox folders?

Did you try checking the event log?


Yes cupcake…removed folders, uninstalled, removed reg keys…shall I go on?

Personally I think it’s how firefox pulls updates and data…because when I disable plugins, or even uninstall, it doesnt seem to know that those have been removed…it still says " these add-ons will be removed when you restart firefox" and thats the 4th time I have restarted firefox.

Your not running the computer case less are you??? ya know top off???

nothing in the event log?

Setting your homepage to something odd with bad activex/java…couple weeks back was broke and crashing IE…

no, it’s in the case. When I open or close the browser, my cpu usage spikes for about 20 seconds…so the process is still active for that amount of time. Strange to say the least.


ever try opera?


werd… give opera a try. I <3 the built in widget engine

Install the noscript extension for firefox and see if the problem goes away…
Otherwise try Opera.
Anything is better than IE.

You’re the only person who I know who has issues running firefox on vista.


You’re the only person who I know who has issues running firefox on vista.


Yeah, tell me about it. I will check the event log when I get home today. Is there a way to just back up the bookmarks? I have been backing up the entire firefox folder.

Are you backing up the Firefox folder then moving it back after you reinstall…


All the bookmarks should be in their own folder…

have you used this computer with XP ?

you removed everything from application data folder in your profile right?

Try blowing out your profile.


Are you backing up the Firefox folder then moving it back after you reinstall…


All the bookmarks should be in their own folder…


No you dumbass…I have a backup of the firefox folder ------PRIOR----- to the issue. So let me explain this to you so you can comprehend. When I reinstall the application----aka firefox:D…works fine. Then after browsing for a few minutes. It begins to run slow and alot of resources are drawn…aka cpu cycles and memory.:bloated:


have you used this computer with XP ?

you removed everything from application data folder in your profile right?

Try blowing out your profile.


I will do that tonight.