Aw, not again(Brakes content ITT)

ugh, what do control arms cost?

Well you could replace just the bad one and that could be anywhere from $70-140 (depending on which one) or you could get all eight of them in a kit for somewhere around 450-500ish.

Thats just parts…

damn, uhm, okay. ive got a check engine light now too. whoo! yay!
guess its time to call a shop, huh? unless somebody has a scan tool we can use right quick to see what the code is.

I have a scanner but I’m not sure about using it on VWs. It’s universal, and will pull codes for anything OBD2… what year is your car… i think i can do up to 02 or 03 I forget which one. The control arms shouldn’t be too bad to do no?

mines an '03. mmm, idk about the control arms. ill have a shop check it and let me know if its those. im hoping its something small like tie rod ends or something bullshit like that. we could try to scan the car and see if it picks it up?

I have a vag-com which would read the codes more in depth.

ah! :excited a vag-com would be most helpfull, Nick. Do you have some time this week?

your ecu isn’t going to know anything’s going on with the brakes or control arms unless it effects the ABS in some way.

oh, yea yea! i know. i’d be surprised if my ECU knew whats going on with the brakes. heh-heh. This is a separate thing I want to look at. Hopfully its something stupid like a misfire cuz of dirty plugs or somethin’ easy like that.

coil packs cough cough coilpacks cough cough

pretty sure you would know right away if it was a misfire. No mistaking the WRX pulsating exhaust note lol

not ruling that out. ive been told those go quite often, but im hoping that its just plugs. that way its cheaper :smiley:

Tomorrow is my only day off this week. Other then that I could look at it this weekend after 7 (sat or sun).

If there is a misfire, there is a VERY good chance you are correct sir.

BKR6E’s are indeed cheap.

you think you could scan it for me?