
Just remember your surrounded by morons everyday when your out driving.

It’ll happen to every state as generations get older, start driving.




i blame women

I blame people who crash into guard rails.

You don’t need a damn report to show that the residents of this state can’t drive worth a damn. Just set up shop in front of my house for a day and watch the idiots roll down through Bspa of Rt50.

Driving licenses are given out in this country like a pedophile dishing free candy at the local park. 1/3 the people on the road probably shouldn’t be on the road. Said it before and will say it again, I’d be an avid supporter of a mandated test regime every ten years(that’s typically how long a license is good for before it expires anyway). If you cannot pass a proper driving test you don’t deserve to drive until you can prove such prowess. It’s a privilege, not a damn right.

well put.

i’m so tired of the people that are totally out to fuckin lunch when they drive… if your that out there please stay the hell out of my way. seriously, i avoid 3 or so close calls on a given day from people being careless/ not paying attention. if i didn’t have such a quick reaction time, and or some form of skill at driving, i would have gotten hit a ton of times.

not true. i can’t be all over the place all day long and i’m only one person.

this should be on topic due to the fact that i’m a moron.
but it may off topic cuz i think a FUCKING MOTON trumps a regular moron?

…wow, we’re worse than NJ, I’ve seen some pretty bad drivers from NJ :rofl

actually it is a right ,its in the law my old lawyer showed me