AWWWWWWW MY CAR IS STOLEN........................AGAIN.

Hey guys. My 1990 240sx was stolen on July 11. I was at school (Grant Macewan Campus in MILLWOODS) at about 10 am. I came out at 11:45 am and my car was gone. It is blue, pretty much stock, but it has a sweet blue interior. Please keep a look out for it and if you find it please track the guy down and cut his legs off. thanks.

Plate number and a more detailed description/pics would help. Also a contact # if spotted.

stock exhuast ? stock wheels ? stock ride height ? tint ? those are things I look for first that stand out on a s13

RHD or LHD ? plate ?

RHD or LHD ? plate ?[/quote]


That was from his stolen post last time his car got stolen… WHY is it stolen so much… Get the CLUB…

somedays i wish someone would take my car

but it would suck if it acctually happened , hopefully it will be recovered without any damage

How knows, maybe he will get it back all modded like my mom’s el. :lol:

AGAIN dallas? holy crap!! that sucks dude, hope everything works out. this car is the same car as mine, stock tear drop rims. the trim in the interior is painted white and blue. stock exhaust, stock everything. give me a call sometime dude!! i live close to you now :smiley:

ya the plate number is DSY-289. There is no tint. I have no mods or anything. just a blue 240. If you see it you can contact me at 966-2285.

Hmm I saw a blue 240 earlier today. too bad I didn’t know about it then otherwise I’d have checked the plate.

sucks, its like s13’s are becoming popular to steal, just like honda civics. :?

I know it sucks for you guys but there was a point where Cevo was loosing a car a week.

Good news. The police found my car a couple days ago at the Oliver square Safe-way parking lot. They stole my golf clubs and my stereo but didnt wreck anything. Do any of you know how they actually start these cars??? It looks like he just punched the ignition in and i could start it with anything like a screwdriver but today that wouldnt work and i needed my key again. My car just fixed itself???

gotta wire up a hidden fuel pump or ignition switch. i’ll do it for 20 bucks.

Probably someone’s playing a prank on you…a dirty prank…