I’m still laughing at the fact that it was the holiday shopping time, and everyone in there right mind is going in and out of that store. you would think, carving “Oh well” in the side of your door, someone would have notice, heard, something walking by. lol most people are usually cautious when it comes to doing something like this, worried they are going to get caught.

lol and the look on the ladies face while shes doing it. i could only imagine!

obviously not so old, but the face would be perfect.


Lack of update bump.


nice. i forgot about this, and was wondering how it would have turned out!

Oh well

I’m not surprised. Thinking someone stole your spot is so fucking aggravating. I’m not sure why, I mean in retrospect it’s no big deal, but holy shit. A few weeks ago I was parking at wegmans, saw someone backing out, put on my blinker, waited patiently for the old guy to back out. As soon as there was room the douche bag behind me pulled around me and in front of the old guy and took the spot. I’m a pacifist and I was ready to start shit with him but my wife was more mad at me for acting like a little kid than I was at him so I just let it go. Good thing too, because what a stupid thing that would be to get in a fight over. :roflpicard:

at least she didnt do this to your car.

(part that im talking about is at the end of the trailer)

I’d see that movie…“looks like funny”

Nothing probably happened.

Oh well


you’re alive?



I was thinking the same exact thing

That mean you’re preparing a poll to decide if you’re alive or not? :wink:

lol. yeah i’m alive, just really busy with my business and and going back to school…don’t really get on the forums much anymore.