B-lo area v-day restaurants

Looking for a nice restaurant to take a girl for V-day in buffalo. Shes at UB north so closer is better. but quality is all that is really important.

Mickey Ds son

Take her to dinner at the Y, I hear they have great box lunches. /old joke

Ummm I’m new to Buffalo but not new to females, cook her dinner. Get candles/flowers/dessert. Cook her her favorite food, unless you can’t cook for shit lol.

But yeah cooking dinner is 10x better than dropping 8o bucks at a restaurant on V-day, unless your girl is the type who is turned on by a baller bill…

youre a little late for reservations at any of the nice restaurants.

It was a last minute yes/no on her part.

I still say cook for her… dessert in the bedroom > dessert in any restaurant

I would but shes at the dorms at UB, and i live in rochester…

AHHHH now the plot unfolds.

le metro is pretty nice but not that expensive

you’re not going to get into any good restaurants on v-day, good luck with that one. you MIGHT be able to score a table at like 3 or 4 for something smaller/less known, but you’ll have a long drive ahead of you.

edit: i went to colden mill in boston last year without reservations, if you go early you might grab a table there they had a few open at around 6 pm coldenmill.com

i knew it was a long shot. I guess ill just have to work out her bbq taste buds and take her to famous daves lol. Shes been wanting to go, not romantic in the least, but it will work

Chocolate Bar for dessert ftw

oh look, its 9 dollar beer night.

Ha! Luckily we have a gift cert. from the 'rents to waste.

Orazio’s on main street in Clarence. Great food, lots for you $$, nice atmosphere.

Here’s some info on them. I give a 9/10… only reason its not a ten is because the last time i went my waiter hit on my gf…


No, no ,no! Le Metro is the break-up restaurant. But it is awesome.

Take her to Toro.

Yings Wings and Things

i got a table at Salvatores at 9pm, called that in last week. they got a great deal for couples, like a 50-60 dollars for appetizer and dinner for 2 or sumn like that. im really looking forward to it.

take her to Prime, its on Rhode Island off of Lexington