B&M short shifter vibration?

I just installed a B&M short shifter. It works good other than when I hit high RPMS and it starts to vibrate heavily. It is definately not normal. Has anyone had this problem or know what it might be. Thanks for the help.


it is normal it was a commona problem with these peices.

you need to take it all apart and throw tons of bearing grese in tehre and it helps a bit. pull out the shims and it helps out more.

Mine vibrates like silly around 6k rpm and up. I don’t enter that range on the street though, and a lot of other things vibrate on the track, so it never bothered me.

Yeah mien does that too, I don’t care except for the fact taht every time ppl are in my car they are like wtf is this shit??? and i ahve to explain, and yeah. I’ll try the grease thing waht about the shims? what are those ?

yep hurricane has one and it does the same thing… soo annoying :-/

Mine is wisper quite…but then again at 6k other sh!t is screaming so who can hear a shifter.

bnm 200$ best ss company lol… but for 240sx … some reason they made ours vibrate… maybe for the ladies… i know 3 ppl with it and vibrates noisy… its normal…

you gotta break it in i believe and get the bushing that goes on the pivot point i think. 2$ at nissan. i think that helps it out.

yeah get the right bushing, tons of bearing grease and then try it.

my copy used to vibrate a when i fisrt got it but not anymore

you have to remember that the OEM shifter had a rubber core inside the larger section of the upper shifter. That may now be solid metal, or a substantially tougher material than the soft oem rubber. Thus because it does not dampen as well, it vibrates. Enjoy ^___^

Haha…Ok I guess Ill have to live with it. It seems to have gotten a bit better anyway. Thanks guys.

Blitz - you take your car up to 6 grand with people in it? Dat shiet aint safe dawg :stuck_out_tongue:

I just have the bushing on it that it came with (its over a year old now) and it has no grease left in it, lol. And doesnt vibrate or rattle (anymore) only did for like a week or two :lol:

Bings.ca FTW

my b and m rattles but it got smoother with use as well…

at first it was gehy and notchy as fuk… combined with getting used to rhd… now… is mint. i love it and… RAZO BALL FTW

22 dollars at your local overdrive automotive.


Everyone talks about the right bushing, but can someone tell me which bushing it is so I can buy it at nissan? and where can i buy bearing grease to put on it ?

Solarian, it’s not like a KA is fast, so not dangerous at all :stuck_out_tongue:

B&M had apparently fixed the problem with their new design but in reality they didnt. I too have the rattle, I tried removing a bunch of shit off the shifter and it still makes noise. Used to it by now though.