Back in the game!

Yes. This man is proving, that heredity fatness IS BEATABLE!

As for myself…I’m 6’5.

This summer I was hovering around 170.

I am now up to 186. I’m afraid. Winter is coming, and I’m going to gain more.

I need to get up off my ass and start doing some work.


its funny cause its true

< 5’11 205 I would like to lose like 15-20 lbs of fat and gain 20-30 lbs of muscle.

I don’t even want to talk. It appears my body hates me now.

218 to 142. If I had money I would go to the gym. However my money fleets me as well as my fat.

Fuckin A. 5’11" weighing in at a buck eighty. I’ve only gained 10 pounds in the last 6 years, but my abs fade farther every day. I was jacked the summer after my Freshman year that I spent working as a home-builder’s bitch. Since I started the home owner thing a year ago I’ve gone to the gym less than ever thinking that I just don’t have time. Then summer hit and I had eleventy-billion better things to do than cook or go to the gym. Now I’m scared to get my cholesterol checked. Guess I better get it done, hopefully find out it’s not high. Then MAKE time to hit the gym and cook. Fuck the house. It ain’t gonna fall down and it’s fucking expensive to work on anyhow.

Corey used to be a fattie? Hahhaha… I can’t even picture it.

Don’t jinx yourself. You wanna know what happened when I said that? :bloated:


Im down to 230,started off in late 2004 at 300.Goal is 200-210.Just got a gym membership too.6’4 is my height.

Best protein powder EVER…

You overfilled the pool and flooded Jean’s Passion Cove of a backyard?

Oh. Every time I see a picture of myself back then I go “How did I ever allow THAT to happen?”

i wanna get back into the gym, but i just cant motivate myself to do it. i went almost everyday over the sumemr and was in really good shape. sicne school stated, i havent been to the gym once, and its showing

last i checked (whichw as a while ago): 6’ 1" @ 220

Ah you guys suck. 8 years ago I was 275 then I went as low as 155. I am now 175 @ 6’1"

were ya lifting pods at pizza plant?

Actually, I didn’t eat anything there, minus a couple veggie nachos (read as : 2). 220 by end of winter, with a crosses fingers six pack…

Also, loosing this weight also helps add a little to your pecker’s visible area! Shrink that fat sack behind it woo ha, it’s like shaving for the first time.

all i’m gonna say about my specs

is i weigh less then your girl

and i’m not sayin your girl is fat, either.

i’m up to 6’3’’ 218 right now :slight_smile:

I’d guess i’m at about 12 % body fat, but it’s starting to be the perfect running temperature down here early morning or late at night. Also helps that I run to and from work daily 5.2 miles each way.

I probably won’t reach my goal of 230+ until next spring :frowning:

egg whites, potatoes, onions and lots of chicken everyday works for me

Word its fact, for every 30LB you lose you gain an inch of visible size, thats simply the fatty tissue on the pubic bone. so theres a lil more incentive for ya’ll.

FYI last december i ballooned to 317. Im now at 236, lookin to get to 185-190. woot.

6’4" 182.5 lbs

1% body fat
100% jacked

I’m going to try and put on weight this winter, so we will see how that goes.

Good point. Runs to knock on wood

So how do you guys get yourself motivated to get back into it? I’ve tried a bunch of times to just mentally “deciding” to start going regularly. I always fizzle, and I’m sure we all know the definition of insanity…

So what do you guys DO to get and keep yourselves going?