Back in the game!


I got $100 and a jet blue 2 way ticket says you can’t lay down, put up 135 20 times…get up…get back down and do 285 17 times. Full reps

i just checked myself last week. 165 and a disappointing 17% bf. atleast it helped motivate me and get me back on the ball.
gonna try to get that % down a few points by the new year

yea i deffeinetly need to lose some weight.

Tell me about it. I can go through about $200 in groceries in less than a week. And that’s real food, i.e. cooking meals.

I know what thats like, it seems like I am hungry all the time when I am working out alot.

that is a beast bench man… 285 x 17… much better than when u see someone bragging about 250 x 5 or 6. lol

This is the truth. this kid is TINY, and he can eat whatever the fuck he wants. metabolism like woah.

As for me, I was 220 at the start of summer, with some excess baggage.

Got into mountain biking, and eating healthier, and got down to 210, and much leaner looking.

I am 6’0" with fairly broad shoulders.

I still want to lean up more though. Once I have a sleek stomach I’ll be happy, and with winter coming, that’ll likely happen. My activity level quadruples during the winter.

do you ever max? 285 for 17 should put you near a 500lb bench :jawdrop:
my question is 17 reps why?

i’ve noticed that when i eat healty it costs me a whole lot more than being fat and eating like shit.

sad but true. thats why the USA is full of a bunch of fatties.

10 x 135 warmup. wait a minute.

5 x 135 negative. wait a minute

5 x 135 reg. wait a couple minutes.

285 x 17 (may have needed a “balance spot” on the last one)

EDIT : btw, this was in the beginning of a workout, I have yet to do anything but stretch.

PS : I’m still 245ish - it’s not that hard for me to bench 30lbs over my weight… lol

PPS : Save your money, I’ll be back up in a month.

Meh, I don’t max bench, no real use in getting 1 rep in… I don’t need to mass up really, I need to tone and cut, reps = that. I switched it up a long while ago - lots and lots of reps…

Try doing 55lbs x 100 bench. And maybe meathead can lift big once, but if you can do 100 of even the bar (45lbs) in one sitting, that’s more impressive that throwing a 300 lb bar up.

I maxxed out a long while ago - i think a have a phone pic… I think i did 345lbs x 2. I have not tried since… but I feel as if i probably won’t be able to lift too much more than that. I’m focusing mainly on losing weight, so again the high reps thing is awesome.

^^ gotcha. im hitting chest today, im gonna go heavy and low reps and then at the end of my workout, im gonna try to see if i can do the bar for 100. i imagine that the burn must be INSANE.

Ok whatever, next time you’re here $100 says you’re not pushing up 285 17 times in a row

Actually, you’re right - I can’t bench quite yet (car accident a little bit ago), my thumb is f’ed up.

I’m just warning you, you’re going to feel like a pansy the first couple times you do it… because most people see you and don’t stay around to watch you do 100 lol

You know the ideal amount is 10-12 reps for toning,Otherwise your not using all your potential.

Guys if your going to try to build muscle to then eating is just as important.
You should consume about 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of your weight

I didnt really bench all summer because my job owns me and is kind of physical.
My max was 215 and i didnt work out for a while and put that up 2 weeks ago(i weight 150)

I tried it.Your arms feel like jelly and you wont make it to 56 but good luck

My goal is to stay the same weight but loose a couple pant sizes, saying 6’ 160 finally sounds healthy

:word: I want to stay at the same weight, but trade fat for muscle. I want to be able to see my abs without “proper lighting.” :lol:

That’s all relative to the size and weight of the person doing the bragging. Someone half say Howie’s size, doing 250x5 or 6 is pretty damn good.