Back in the game!

im 6’5 at about 180, think i need to gain or lose weight guys?

Do whatever makes you happy.

gonna make a poll about it? :lol:

^ lol

I just started workin out again this past week. Holy shit I am out of shape. Ran 3 miles, barely made it. Hit the weights and I dont remember those 45s feelins so heavy before :cry: Oh well time to get back into it, or else over the winter i will turn into a total fatty.

bah i haven’t walked a mile since highschool

Yes, yes i will . i will also add make a poll about if i should get a e46 m3 and turbo it.

since i retired from hockey i prolly wouldnt make it thru a mile…

well back from the gym:
my chest workout: warmup/stretch etc, then dumbell flat bench 130’s for 3 sets of 6 (got 7 on the first set) then went to straight bar flat bench and did 3 sets of 275 for 6 then and did the bar for 100reps. what a BURN. gonna try to add 5 lbs on next time.

edit: BTW: im 5’7 215lbs. and never was a strong bencher.

i’m sitting here… about to enjoy the following.

2 large chicken roastito’s…
1 mighty taco…

all medium with sourcream… and a dr pepper… or 2…

neener neener

lol, fucking vile

once it hits your lips… it’s so good!

me and greg (notchdc5) are starting to hit the gym pretty big starting tomorrow so we can take down howie hard next time we’re in nyc :stuck_out_tongue:

So I decided to try that Myoplex stuff… picked up a 4 pack of French Vanilla from TOPS.

TASTES LIKE CRAP :bloated: . I don’t know why they labeled it French Vanilla, I can’t taste any vanilla. It’s just tasteless sludge with a weird after taste. Ugh.

back when i was lifting i was partial to the mango. It was fucking good. All ofthe tropical ones were decent.

Muscle Milk > *

i havent had a bad flavor yet, and they have like 20 different ones.
cookies n cream with vanilla soy milk is the bomb shit.

Ugh, tried the chocolate one, had to stop myself from gagging. No more myoplex for me :tdown:

i’d skip the myoplex all together. whenever you buy something in an RTD (ready-to-drink) you usually end up sacrificing taste for stability/shelf life/ect.

since it sounds like you’re on the fence about whey as it is, i only have one recommendation for you. try nature’s best isopure; i like the pineapple orange banana flavor. toss two scoops (50g of protein) in the blender with 5-6 frozen strawberries (~$8-9 for a big-ass big at bj’s btw) and ~6-8 oz of OJ – now that’s the shit. it tastes like a smoothie you’d get from mrs. fields or some shit… that’s all i can compare it to.

it’s not cheap, but personally i think it’s worth it if you don’t have to choke and gag it down.

btw doesn’t have the cheapest internet price. you can score it for <$30 @ last time i checked.

yeah; muscle milk does taste great(the strawberry tastes just like nestle quick) BUT – look at the label – it has 18 grams of fat per serving. :eek:

if you’re drinking one shake a day as a PWO meal or meal replacement it’s probably not a big deal at all. now if you start supplementing with 3-4 servings a day… well… you might start packin’ it on around the waistline in a hurry. just a word of caution. :wink:

woah woah woah… slow down there trigger. the fat is there on purpose. you need fat to burn fat.
it uses MCTs and long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. your body needs these things to keep it processing the protein properly and not going catabolic.

this stuff is good for cutting, bulking, or just recomping.

[font=Verdana][size=2][font=Verdana][size=2][font=Verdana][size=2][font=Verdana][size=2]that’s an excellent point; i guess i’m saying that 18 grams a bit excessive. that’s easily six times more than your average whey protein powder and people might not be aware of that if they’re just picking it up off the shelf.

personally, i prefer to get my good fats in the form of flax seed/fish oils or walnuts though.

Muscle Milk Causes HEART problems.*