Backfiring when not on throttle?

Ok my car backfires when i drive (throttle is down a bit), but when i take my foot off it backfires. Could it be the muffler?

hot exhaust… un burned fuel left over? i dunno… i have that same problem… lol


back firing is caused by unburned fuel passing through the motor and into the exhaust so it explodes in there instead of in the block… use a lot of throttle body cleaner and or seafoam to clean that shit up good. and you should be good, might just be your vavles are sticking or your injectors are gummed up, do a tune -up and clean her good and you should be good

LOL, ill let you know if i get it fixed.

swap an rb and it gets even worse fun tho, full exhaust + turbo engine equals some noticable back firing. but you proboly just want new plugs or somtihng if this is happening like crazy on a basically stock engine. your proboly jsut aren’t gettign a complete burn

Yup that would explain the gas leaking from the muffler lol.

if its actually leaking from there then in reality its not… check your tank man, might be leaking from there aswell… typicly its only trace amounts that get through… if it is enough to be dripping out your exhaust, stop driving it and seriously locate the problem… could cause a fire/explosion you dont want to be in the driverseat for.

one more stab in the dark, try advancing your timing or retarding by 5 degrese, could just not be spraying the gas at the right time for your plug to ignite… you may only be burning on coated pistons and not gas filled chambers(if you get what i mean) this would cause the fuel to flow right past and into the exhaust

That’s not gas. It’s condensation.

You should sell your car and buy something else… Like a bus pass.

Ye i better sell it, cause i rather go on the bus then here ur sometimes stupid comments.

And its not from the tank, thanks though crypticnissan atleast there are some people who are willing to help.

Hey, I provided useful information in addition to my smartass remark. I told you, it’s not gas out the tail pipe, it’s almost guaranteed condensation.

I’d rather you take the bus too, then we wouldn’t have idiots like you giving cars like ours a bad rap.

LOL ive seen u drive,

yea but seriously kid , exhausts dont get gas leaks , do a tune up , check your timing , find a nun , kick her in the box, pee on someones dog , and call it a day

LMFAO, thanks, i will do a tune up asap. What spark plugs do you recommend though? Its a ka24e.

ngk, v-groove, g-power , iridium. whatever your pockets can afford

NGK Iradium my man… about $40 for 4 from crappy tire… there expensive but worth it, come in packs of 2.

The Iridium and the V groove are both great plugs. As a visual reference, try to stay away from spark plugs that have the electrode recessed into the ceramic cone at the bottom of the plug. The ones I’ve seen are mainly Bosch. They will make your car run great but when they get carbon deposits on them the car runs like a bag of shit. Also about your gas smell and backfiring, it is possible you have a stuck injector. Try running some fuel injector cleaner through it (not the kind you pour into your tank…the kind you screw onto your fuel rail)

i never thought that till i actually saw gas coming out of this van that had come to a shop i worked at. i dont no what the problem was though because i never touched it.

In the summer of 2007 there was this poor guy that came into the shop where I work and said " I think I may have put a little too much oil in my car" . The poor bastard had somehow put 14L of oil in his little Mazda (some old 1.6 clunker I think) Anyhow…there was such an abundance of oil that when you started the car oil was literally pissing out of the tail pipe. I know if you have shitty rings this allows some of the gas air mixture to get into the crank case then your oil smells like gas…Perhaps your valve guides have dummied themselves allowing the gas/oil to get into your exhaust?

^^^^^^Hey that was ME.
just kiding. but i do know more then oner person that has done it… they take the term “top it up” a little to seriously