Bad Alternator?

Over the past few days I have been having some problems with my car starting. It first happened Tuesday morning. I jumped it, drove it to work, and charged it while I was at work. It’s been sitting in the garage for the past two days, until I just pulled it out. It didn’t sound right when it started, I attempted to start it again, and it died. I checked the battery, and it has a full charge, can the alternator cause a car to not start, but yet the battery still have a full charge?

first some pics of u know what!:smiley:

take off the alt belt & try it!

You should be ok without the alternator if the battery has full charge. This summer I broke an alternator belt by the NY/PA border. Made it 125 miles on battery only - almost home.

Check your wires for a corroded connection somewhere. I had this problem one time and changed everything - starter, battery, alternator. Nothing fixed it. It ended up being a corroded ground to the frame.

advanced does free checks on alternator and battery, while both in the car :dunno:

in another case, a bad starter could be causing your problems. Sometimes when a starter goes bad, it won’t start unless on a charger where its putting out more than your required 12 volts. So if it starts on a charger, but not on a battery which tested OK, I would venture to say its your starter

Thanks, I’ll get them checked out then!

Tested the battery, I’m assuming its bad. Would hold a 12 volt with the accessories on, but crancking power went down to 3 volt. Charging overnight to see what happens.

Got a new battery thanks to the two year warranty provided from Odyssey Battery, car starts fine now!