bad f---n day....


but it is too late now, and there was no backing up, there was a line of cars on his ass.


Turn the car off and tell them to fuck off?
Push the car into a parking lot?

Blows that he used the car as a sump pump.
GL with the rebuild

gee, a broken DSM, that’s a shock lmao i learned my lesson 3 dsm’s later if it isnt one thing breaking its another thing about to


the car was submerged to the headlights, says so in the video description


Thats pretty effed up to even think about driving in that kind of weather especially if you know your car or maybe he didnt know his car but if that was me and i put an intake on it like that, I woulda made sure not 2 drive in the rain its just common sense

“gee, a broken DSM, that’s a shock”

lmao i learned my lesson 3 dsm’s later if it isnt one thing breaking its another thing about to

“the car was submerged to the headlights, says so in the video description”

Thats pretty effed up to even think about driving in that kind of weather especially if you know your car or maybe he didnt know his car but if that was me and i put an intake on it like that, I woulda made sure not 2 drive in the rain its just common sense

lol at ‘spared no expense’… awesome ebay kit.


“no way around” or “didn’t want to back up / turn around / take another street”

sucks, but no pity here. gee, a broken DSM, that’s a shock


420a’s arent dsms…in my books.

don’t dsm’s run more then 8psi stock??? i no it doesnt really have much to do with what happened but just wondering.


so he was turning onto main st, crawling along, becuase there was no way around, and the cops were directing traffic when his car died. done.


cops directed traffic into water up to the headlights?


don’t dsm’s run more then 8psi stock??? i no it doesnt really have much to do with what happened but just wondering.


4g63’s run 9psi stock

but this is the 420a n/a engine w/ an aftermarket turbo kit on it


420a’s arent dsms…in my books.


Enough said


Stupid happens. :shrug:

um…if you know how to put together a car like that, then you know what water that high will do.

you then use common sense to weigh your options.

A - drive through it, and probably blow my motor.

B - turn the car off as soon as i see the high water, and park it. piss off a few strangers behind me that i’ll never have to see again, maybe get a parking ticket, pay to have the car towed…WORST CASE get it out of the pound…but still, worlds cheaper than blowing the motor.

no sympathy…real shitty, but no sympathy…

and +1 to what BigEd88 said…wtf, cops directed people through over a foot of water?

and side note:

shouldn’t insurance cover something like this? isn’t flood/natural disaster damage pretty much universal to all insurance plans?

Maybe this natural disaster was a sign from heaven that eclipses suck and he should buy a new car.


Maybe this natural disaster was a sign from heaven that 420a equiped eclipses suck and he should buy a new car.







srsly. this guy is the dsm god.
find the thread on his 4g63 dsm for proof.

damn that suks, does his license plate say NGHTCRW?

bad f’n day for

someone else

outboard swap?


look you guys really look into shit, and tear apart threads which is pretty funny now that i look at it, i understand, the police were there to warn of the depth of the water, and there is no looking for sypathy and he doesnt deserve any in my book and im one of his better friends, now it is an excuse to rebuild it maybe forged internals or just do a simple rebuild and get a gsx like he wanted in the first place, the purpose of the post was what sucking up some water will do to ruin your day. Like I said before, no big deal, on to bigger and better things.

what a coincidence-

recently after I sold my 420A eclipse, the new owner hydro locked the motor by running through a huge puddle on NFB. scott and I showed up and after about a half hour of cranking it over, shooting the water out of the cylinders, and drying off the plugs, the thing actually started. He replaced the MAF, and changed the oil and had no engine problems after that. :lol: Thank goodness he wasn’t moving quickly when the motor locked so nothing was bent too badly.

oh, 420A…