Badass Auto Pictures Thread*

OHH REPOST!! ^^ lol

my uncle had an orange M1. he had it shipped over from germany, one of only 48 or something in the US. sold it before i was born, though :frowning:

Nice Lance, that is an epic looking road.

I’ve always loved this car

This is cool too



ur post look empty here. maybe i cant see the blocked images, but if i quote it, its empty, theres no image links in there. is it the stupid filters here?

I can haz cute honda Daily driver?

WOW! That’s a HOT picture.

And that Subie is beautiful. Not a fan of the STi but I would buy that one.

there are images in his post

thats weird. must be the internets here. i wonder why i cant see anything here when i quote his post.

Don’t worry you aren’t missing anything :ahh

now im home and i can see the two pics posted. quite nice, quite nice.

I enjoy this pict

I’m at a loss of words from this picture :wow

You’ll appreciate these then…

For the 56th time I see them, I appreciate them :tongue

The one I posted however was a new one for me, and makes my brain tingle :ninja

those miata pictures are definitely badass

KA CHING $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Wtf is that? lol