Badass Auto Pictures Thread*

mommy know about this?

Just send her a pic of DEEZ NUTSS and all will be good :lol

i cant fuckin wait

ill have john ask her :rofl

stop bein a girl there are plenty of people goin down friday and comin home sunday

Who? And they stayin with u guys/have a room?

lol, our room has 6 dudes in it…I’d say that’s pushin it! :rofl

wouldnt be the 1st time I rocked my bed in the tub :lmao


Brett and sarge are going friday im pretty sure

if you want i dont care

Hmm… Takin the GTI Im assuming?

yeh, but i dont know what sarge is takin

brett is going with another friend talk to the sarge, maybe you can figure out something with him.

adam youll LOVE h20i youll be a VW fanboi fo sho after that.

yeh adam you gotta go

yup thanks for asking brother

Its SOO tempting. Plus Im looking at a VW DD right now…so it makes it that much worse :lol