Badass Auto Pictures Thread*

lovin the white STI cars. post moar of those please

hmmm looks familiar

Oh man don’t let big red see that, there are so many things wrong with that car.

Yeah, It was kinda disappointing to see someone spent that much time on an “eleanor” and it’s like they didn’t even see the movie… I’m sure the stripes and gas cap are only the beginning, but they killed it immediately for me

mirrors are Wrong as well.

ugh…im not even gonna bother.


Wow that’s bad

Probably a repost but oh well.

That car is virtually perfect. Nice work.

ehhh it could definitely do without the bomb stickers.

And the wagon/hatch part


I really like that avant.


I seriously can’t find anything I don’t like with that car.

Sorry did I make a derogatory comment?

I dont like it cause you like it and you are a turd


Wagons FTW :number1


Working on a deal for an older Subaru wagon now.