Badass Auto Pictures Thread*

I would kill for a 98 Legacy GT Wagon. :excited

Id guess the bomb vinyl to be the owner’s way of repping dubkorps.
They had a white a3, that may even be the same car in pix

From the looks of it, I don’t see the bomb sticker on the hood in the second pic. Eitherway, I like it. It makes good use of negative space by adding a piece of flare to it. :stuck_out_tongue:

LS1 with a 6/71

Fuck yea^ I was wondering if the owner was even going to drive the car
or just build something ridiculous and sell it on eBay. Glad it’s not the case.

some hi-rez

I’d kill for a RWD import with American iron in it.

ls7 power!

  1. Pretty sick how he caught the photographers flash going off on the right hand side of the image.

Nice post, pic with the flash is pretty nutty! Was loving number one until I scrolled down and saw the stupid mentos graphics :facepalm, oh well still a cool exposure with the dust trails and hillside.

I never understood photographers at rally events, are they trying to get killed?

yes. so are the spectators.

Oh great, lets go.

pussy :ohnoes

im game

Get Rtrac to take you with him.

Me and rtrac are sandwich buddiesssss

mmmm submarine sammiches

Thank you for the new desktop! :smiley:

its what killed group b

not just spectators, drivers were getting killed too :wow