Badass Auto Pictures Thread*

almost every generation

true, but would still rock the hell outta all of them. “G wagon so fly”.

deff ultimate poser, but sema is there to sell products not show cars that are used and that snowboard set up is dope.

Yup, I would drive the F40 daily. :ninja

Not really badass but i liked the picture

That’s like saying no-homo. It really doesn’t matter that you said it.

^ damage from the 24hrs @ Nurb?

yes, although it must be from qualifying. they popped the motor and never made the race. By the way, I illuded to it previously but I don’t think I told you that I got to talk to him at Fairfield. I drove out to CT from the city behind his stutz.

:eek3 uh wut? Spoke to Mr Glick himself? I hate you.

fucking keybaord…yeah I knew it didn’t make it out to race, hence my inquiry to questionable damage, but didn’t know it was due to a motor failure. I didnt keep up with any of the qualifying other than my sister/robert for that race but noticed it wasn’t on the “grid”

yep. He was really nice about it, discussed the upgrades for this years 24 Ring to the P4/5C in depth and about race car engineering in general. Of course I had to drop a few hints that I would be willing to murder any enemies for the opportunity to see more of his collection.


lol. After typing that all I could think of is the Iranian football players goosing each other after a goal. I don’t think “no homo” translates. :lol


chrome hasn’t been cool since the 60’s. But take that with a grain of salt because I’m an asshole.


now it’s got black powdercoated rims on it with drag radials looks alittle better haha

Okay, good lol

hahah, yeahh that was stage I went throw with the rims haha good thing I moved on hhaa

holy shit.