Badnewsmini= SCUMBAG


So you are basically telling me if you were in this situation, and you saw a tranny leak, you wouldn’t take the 5 minutes to go under the car, wipe the leak of with some paper towels or something, and check to see where the leak was coming from? :confused:
Cracks don’t happen overnight. If the crack is as bad as he is saying, he would have seen it if he took the time to look, right?


yes, but the buyer specifically asked about the leak… and seller acted like he never saw it before.

Having owned the car for a reasonable mount of time and done prior repairs one would assume seller had ample time to look it over closely and had intimate knowledge of any problems.

Sooo, when the buyer asked, he assumed he would get a honest answer. I think many of us would have taken the sellers word for it, especially since several people on here describe him as " a nice guy"


I’m not disputing that the disclosure is shady. I’m saying if the buyer was paying attention to detail (especially since he’s a mechanic), we wouldn’t have this thread right now. Am I right or wrong?


You are correct.

Should have he been more thorough… yes.
Does he have good reason to make this thread and have a legit complaint… I say yes.

If one bought a used vehicel from a dealer and serious problems were not disclosed there may be grounds for litigation. Its not the same situation but I think you see the point I am making.