Ban stick.

But will I be tan after??

im sorry its my neck i cant touch. and no i cant. its fucking funny watching me try.

joo will have a blowout too!


emuscles wears a fanny pack too. he keeps granola bars in it for mid work out snacks

I just LOL’d

e-muscles inspirational force

no i keep bengay and premade protein pancakes in there. i like to call them MANCAKES :slight_smile:


do you own a beetle? Is that what Im seeing in my Avatar?

I think you misunderstand the Beetle.

Of course he does…

Not to imply I have no respect for the Beetle either but uhh -

How’s that Scirocco coming? :tongue

pictures tmoro…

I will drive to your work and bitch slap you if this is a lie.

That could be kinda fun…dont think you’ll make it past the secret service today though…

You said pictures tomorrow.
Therefore, the bitch slap would take place tomorrow.
And since the Secret Service is here today, I’m in the clear. :wink:

U sure about that?

No, I talk a big game.

I’ll just continue being bummed about not getting a ride.

so i forced your hand…wheres my bitch slap?

I’ll send Cossey to LRP with it. :lol