Bank of America Issues

ok well that was interesting…

talk to the supervisor at bank of america, who tells me that they can’t deal with the dispute, it was “sold” to the collections place so it has to go through them, and assures me thats how it works. tells me to call them and ask directly for a manager.

so i call the collections agency, get some punk kid who puts me on hold for 15 minutes, comes back and says “there are no supervisors around”. then proceeds to tell me “and honestly, i don’t really care” and hangs up on me.

i call back, get someone else, ask for a supervisor, she tells me they are in a meeting for 3 hrs. is ask if they have a direct line, she says no. so i say “you mean to tell me theres only one general line there?” and she hangs up on me.

call the supervisor at bank of america back, tell her whats going on, she gets kinda pissed, and says she’ll call me right back. calls me in like 15 minutes, tells me they pulled the account back away from the collections place, and that she will assign one of her own people to the dispute because the agency was giving me so many problems.

holy cluster fuck, whats so hard to understand about me never getting a bill!