Darkstar, lowering the collective IQ of Pittspeed since 2003. I’m assuming you just started reading what you believe to be another anti-obama email and took another sip of your kool-aid. Just read it. While I didn’t say that I thought anything would happen from it, I did say that it is interesting. If you’re too big of a retard to read it all, just read the bullet points and the last statement.
Google it if you think that I just made it up or blindly posted it. I’ve known about the lawsuits against Obama for a while & thought that they were just squelched rather than proven to be wrongfully accused. I’ve read months ago that
DNC steps in to silence lawsuit over Obama birth certificate | WND | by Drew Zahn
http://www.obamacrimes.com/index.php/news/52-us-supreme-court-awaits-response-to-berg-writ-of-certiorari-from-obama (the website came up in google, don’t blame me for providing it)
McCain’s citizenship was also challenged in court. What did McCain do? He provided the court with the documents requested rather than try to avoid the suit for whatever reason.
The thing that actually make me suspicious of Obama in this particular example is the fact that he does not simply produce the document.
And here is a big reason why that makes me suspicious http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2008/07/atlas-exclusive.html
If someone that does this for a profession says that there is irrefutable, empirical evidence that Obama’s COLB a forgery, then I’m going to read it.
Again, interesting… you’d think the media would be all over dirt like Obama not being legally able to run for president. After all, they were so quick to (wrongly) publish ‘facts’ about Sarah Palin abusing power, believing that Africa was a country rather than a continent, that she spent hundreds of thousands on wardrobes for her and her family, etc.
It would be a damn shame.
Countless American’s would be embarrassed and upset that the mainstream media that they rely on would lead them astray from the facts.
America would be the laughing stock of other nations, as we would be “too dumb” to have realized our own laws and for not doing a thorough background check on a presidential candidate. If we can’t manage that, how in the hell do you suppose we get accurate information regarding the whereabouts of terrorists or threats to our nation?:doh:
You’re a moron if you actually believe this ****. If the certificate were forged, a simple call to the Hawaii state department would reveal it. Shut up, move on, stop being dumber than the toilet seat you were conceived on.