Barak Hussein Obama - Truths

notice that people directly address darkstar being a libertarian yet supporting Obama. Darkstar doesn’t mention a thing, yet continues to post in the thread. Edit: I’ll eat my own words, he responded.

He also managed not to comprehend what I was saying in any of the previous posts I made, but that is beside the point.

regarding “my” “conspiracy theory” - I guess Alan Keys doesn’t see things much differently.

It’s the birth certificate issue again.

Alan Keyes, 2008 American Independent Party candidate, filed a lawsuit in California Superior Court Friday challenging Barack Obama’s right to serve under the Constitution that specifies that candidates for the presidency must be “natural born” citizens of the United States.

The suit demands that Obama produce a certificate of live birth from a hospital in Hawaii to prove his status as natural born. More specifically, the suit petitions the State of California and it’s Secretary of State to withhold Californian’s electoral votes from Obama at its meeting of electoral delegates in December unless he can provide documentary proof of his “natural born” status.

The suit asserts that the Hawaiian hospital that claims it holds the certificate on file but will not release it has not provided sufficient evidence to show proof of “natural born” citizenship. Under Hawaiian law, a birth certificate can be issued in Hawaii if the parents are citizens of Hawaii but the child does not actually have to be born in Hawaii. The suit asserts that if this was the basis for issuance of Obama’s certificate it does not meet the requirement that he be a “natural born” citizen under the United States Constitution. Here is the portion of the petition for writ of mandate that makes that point of contention:

74. A press release was issued on October 31, 2008, by the Hawaii Department of Health by its Director, Dr. Chiyome Fukino. Dr. Fukino said that she had “personally seen and verified that the Hawaii State Department of Health has Senator Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.” That statement failed to resolve any of the questions being raised by litigation and press accounts. Being “on record” could mean either that its contents are in the computer database of the department or there is an actual “vault” original. 
75. Further, the report does not say whether the birth certificate in the “record” is a Certificate of Live Birth or a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth. In Hawaii, a Certificate of Live Birth resulting from hospital documentation, including a signature of an attending physician, is different from a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth. For births prior to 1972, a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth was the result of the uncorroborated testimony of one witness and was not generated by a hospital. Such a Certificate could be obtained up to one year from the date of the child’s birth. For that reason, its value as prima facie evidence is limited and could be overcome if any of the allegations of substantial evidence of birth outside Hawaii can be obtained. The vault (long Version) birth certificate, per Hawaiian Statute 883.176 allows the birth in another State or another country to be registered in Hawaii. Box 7C of the vault Certificate of Live Birth contains a question, whether the birth was in Hawaii or another State or Country. Therefore, the only way to verify the exact location of birth is to review a certified copy or the original vault Certificate of Live Birth and compare the name of the hospital and the name and the signature of the doctor against the birthing records on file at the hospital noted on the Certificate of the Live Birth. 

and here is a picture of Obama’s birth cert and the article on
notice the part where it states "Hawaii state law forbids the release of birth or marriage certificates to anyone but the persons named in the documents or their immediate relatives. This copy carries a date stamp of “Jun 6 - 2007” (which has bled through from the reverse side), and is, therefore, probably a copy obtained by Obama himself at that time. "

Let me break that down for you guys in a timeline.
1961 - Barack Obama was born in Hawaii
1967 - Obama moved to Indonesia after his mother’s Marriage to Saetoro
1967 - In order to expedite the immigration process for Barack, they changed the legal name on his Hawaiian Birth Certificate
1969 - Barack became Barry and he left it that way so that he could attend college as an Indonesia alien. This could have entitled him to certain Indonesian grants and other foreign student goodies.

So the question is why is Barack showing a birth certificate from 2007? That’s the real question. I’m going to assume that he may have done so using a legal name change back to Barack on his current birth certificate while at the same time he re-applied for citizenship back into the United States in preparation for the upcoming elections.

And, because all the name changes would be on file, that’s why they’re locked down. They will indicate all the name changes over the years.

Sorry for coming off as a conspiracy theorist. Read the information, evaluate it objectively, come to your own decision (and flame me for actually thinking outside of the box if that’s your style)