BBQ: Friday October 10, 2008

We decided to have a BBQ for this meet. I hope a bunch of you will come out and stop by. Please let us know if your planning to stop by so it gives us an idea if we have enough (which Im sure we do.)

BBQ: Friday October 10, 2008
When: 6:30pm
Where: Hawrelak Park (first parking lot to the left) Default Location

Cost: $3 for a Jumbo Hotdog & a can of Pop
Official NECC Members - a Jumbo Hotdog & a can of Pop Free

Is there still a printable form to send in to be an official NECC member?

This time i’m actually going to make it! i also need a form so i can become a member, when i sign up and pay do i get a sticker?

Either Mr Rage or I will have sign up sheets on site at the bbq and we should have stickers there as well.

If I can fix my 240, ill be out this weekend. :slight_smile:

This BBQ is next weekend Sanj. :smiley:

wow gg Sanj. lol

Just a reminder this is the last OFFICIAL MEET of the year and it would be nice to see some members out.

Yes, the last chance for a group shot. Would be cool to have most of the members present for this.

I’ll be there. Hold a few dozen dogs for my fat ass to consume, k? :slight_smile:

I will be there my g35 will be lowered by then.

I’ll try to be there as well !

I will be there!

for the first time this year, ill be there!

i actually have it off work.

If I have my new car by then. I will be there and I will become a member!! Be Warned!!!

Wish I could make it up from Calgary, but already got family plans for the long weekend. If someone could mail me my free pop/hot dog, that would be awesome. Maybe throw some ketchup on there, and put it into a box. Shipping couldn’t be that expensive. Don’t worry about insurance.


Don’t think I can make it, parents are coming into town to visit.

LOL. I throw it on Purolator…but I can’t guarantee it will look like a hotdog by the time you get it…or the condition of the can of pop…:lol:

I might be able to come down

I wish I could come, but I’ll be in Vegas that weekend.

Sorry I didn’t make it out to any of the meets. Hopefully next I’ll be able to make it up there. Take care in the winter season!