BBQ/Night of Stalking Summary

Well I seem to get more and more impressed by the turnouts we are getting lately. We started the night at Hawrelak; at first we didn’t think we had enouygh hot dogs, but damn, we had wayyy too many, i swear there we 80 some hotdogs there.

After some eats and chatting, we split up into groups and covered the city, I don’t know how everyone faired, i know that the northside guys had time issues (since the drive was so far, they didn’t get much of a chance to give out flyers). They gave one car a flyer. The southside guys got, i’m sure, 7 or so cars done; i’m curious to hear how everyone else did.

After that we met up at southgate and crusied into the UC meet, and Dru got some footage of the cruise down there which we can hopefully get up sometime soon. I figure we made a pretty sweet entrance into UC and made up at least half if not more of the cars there, thats the way to do it guys.

It was a great turnout and hopefully the July meet will be even bigger, it was good to see LynLyn out, as well as Craziak (Ryan, i don’t know if i spelt that right) and the rest of you guys, keep commin to meets and pay your fees if ya haven’t yet!

I’m gonna try and get the pictures of the meet up tomorrow in this post.

Yeah I was totally surprised with tonights outcome! Great to see a lot of you guys/girls come out :smiley: I’ll see if I can get some of the video clips up tomorrow as well. 8)

Hey all,

I’m very pleased with the way things went tonight, and I thank you all for that.

I was asked today if there was something that I would like to see different about the way the evening went, and I must admit, besides more people showing up (always a good/better thing), I liked the way things went very much.

There were about 4 dozen hotdogs left over, along with buns, but we have frozen them already, and they should be good to go for the next BBQ we will be having (hopefully next month, same time).

Glad to see some new faces and some new official members. Thanks again.

I too would love to see some of that footage of video and the photos.

Thanks to everyone who brought food and drinks, and helped make this event a success. THANKS!


Sorry I missed out on the BBQ guys. My friend was suposed to come over and we were going to throw in a system in his QX4, but what does he do…show up an hour and a half late, so that made me an hour and a half late for the meet. But the stalking was good and the meet @ UC was even better. It was a great turnout and good to meet some of you. We got to do it again. I liked it when the prelude club showed up and we were all like parked in a corner and they were facing us…It was like a stand off. But we won. 15 to 7!! Good job guys :smiley:

Wicked turn out. One of the best I’ve seen. It was better I came late then never. The cruise good, but the two guys with radio and the two that didn’t got split up pretty quick, lol. No worries though, I got to tag two 240s that night for the downtown/westside guys. I look forward to the next meet.
Good to be an official member. 8)
and remember…
PM Me FOR TICKETS TO COWBOYS FRIDAY JUNE 25th - No Line - No Cover - 1 Free Drink. I can get as many tickets as you need. Check out the post in “anything goes category.”

Heres the link to the video Zazam took of the BBQ event/Stalking/UC. Its hosted on one of my servers at my house so its not the fastest speed but no limit to downloading.
56k users Beaware view it properly please have the divx codec installed. (It’s 83.8mb, 12:45 mins, and encoded with a resonable divx codec without suffering too much on balancing size over quality)
Look forward to seeing some more videos out and maybe a bit more into making a little collection vid. 8)

Good vid. There was a huge ass wasp trying to attack Matt and I, which would explain us dancing around like idiots. :lol:

what codec do I need? IT didn’t work for me.

hahaha the swatting was awesome. Next time for videos, maske the resolution half that and you can get away with a smaller file size and a little less compression. We definatly need to make some mounts or something cause I know you guys tried your hardest, but that camera was shakin like a bastard.

Great vid guys!!We will definatly need some mounts though.Next time we will have to get a lot of “action” shots

The link didn;t work for me. Something about timeing out.??

Yeah sorry about that, the server was down for the night but will be up 24/7 unless maintenance is needed.
To answer some of the other questions:
-The movie was encoded in divx, meaning in order to view the video you must download the divx decoder
-Yes I know the size was a bit big and the quality (clearness of the video) was not all that great but I will take some time in the next one to be fully improved.
-about the shakeness, I’ll try to get Zazam to use my tiny portable tripod if needed so, and I dont think it would be too hard to have the tripod mounted to his floor/dash/passenger seat to have some more better action driving.
If anyone has any other comments or questions please feel free to ask. 8)

Well I seem to get more and more impressed by the turnouts we are getting lately. We started the night at Hawrelak; at first we didn’t think we had enouygh hot dogs, but damn, we had wayyy too many, i swear there we 80 some hotdogs there.

After some eats and chatting, we split up into groups and covered the city, I don’t know how everyone faired, i know that the northside guys had time issues (since the drive was so far, they didn’t get much of a chance to give out flyers). They gave one car a flyer. The southside guys got, i’m sure, 7 or so cars done; i’m curious to hear how everyone else did.

After that we met up at southgate and crusied into the UC meet, and Dru got some footage of the cruise down there which we can hopefully get up sometime soon. I figure we made a pretty sweet entrance into UC and made up at least half if not more of the cars there, thats the way to do it guys.

It was a great turnout and hopefully the July meet will be even bigger, it was good to see LynLyn out, as well as Craziak (Ryan, i don’t know if i spelt that right) and the rest of you guys, keep commin to meets and pay your fees if ya haven’t yet!

I’m gonna try and get the pictures of the meet up tomorrow in this post.

Yeah I was totally surprised with tonights outcome! Great to see a lot of you guys/girls come out :smiley: I’ll see if I can get some of the video clips up tomorrow as well. 8)

Hey all,

I’m very pleased with the way things went tonight, and I thank you all for that.

I was asked today if there was something that I would like to see different about the way the evening went, and I must admit, besides more people showing up (always a good/better thing), I liked the way things went very much.

There were about 4 dozen hotdogs left over, along with buns, but we have frozen them already, and they should be good to go for the next BBQ we will be having (hopefully next month, same time).

Glad to see some new faces and some new official members. Thanks again.

I too would love to see some of that footage of video and the photos.

Thanks to everyone who brought food and drinks, and helped make this event a success. THANKS!


Sorry I missed out on the BBQ guys. My friend was suposed to come over and we were going to throw in a system in his QX4, but what does he do…show up an hour and a half late, so that made me an hour and a half late for the meet. But the stalking was good and the meet @ UC was even better. It was a great turnout and good to meet some of you. We got to do it again. I liked it when the prelude club showed up and we were all like parked in a corner and they were facing us…It was like a stand off. But we won. 15 to 7!! Good job guys :smiley:

Wicked turn out. One of the best I’ve seen. It was better I came late then never. The cruise good, but the two guys with radio and the two that didn’t got split up pretty quick, lol. No worries though, I got to tag two 240s that night for the downtown/westside guys. I look forward to the next meet.
Good to be an official member. 8)
and remember…
PM Me FOR TICKETS TO COWBOYS FRIDAY JUNE 25th - No Line - No Cover - 1 Free Drink. I can get as many tickets as you need. Check out the post in “anything goes category.”

Heres the link to the video Zazam took of the BBQ event/Stalking/UC. Its hosted on one of my servers at my house so its not the fastest speed but no limit to downloading.
56k users Beaware view it properly please have the divx codec installed. (It’s 83.8mb, 12:45 mins, and encoded with a resonable divx codec without suffering too much on balancing size over quality)
Look forward to seeing some more videos out and maybe a bit more into making a little collection vid. 8)

Good vid. There was a huge ass wasp trying to attack Matt and I, which would explain us dancing around like idiots. :lol:

what codec do I need? IT didn’t work for me.