Be careful this winter *black ice video* (17MB, 6:40sec)

that could have been more serious!..good thing it wasnt.

That roadworker is a fucking IDIOT for flashing the arrow on the back of his truck in the wrong direction.

At least that BMW has a case when he tries to defend himself against the insurance company.

Looks like the guy in the beamer came out the worst there… Huge tear! Hate to have to replace that panel since its part of the unibody.

Anyone else notice the truck was labelled “TDOT”?

hey guys, the file doesn’t exist anymore

Yes it does. Right-click, Save As. :wtcslap:

i did, get an error, file missing, does not exist…maybe it’s a problem with my mac? i’ll try it on the PC.

lol… it’s funny to watch but it’s not funny to be in it… :slight_smile:

Arrgh not enough big crashes…

I wanted to see like a 100car pileup… :x

Those americans are idiots, they cant drive. They panic and lock the brakes. Its obvious you tap the brake pedal when u go into a skid.

no, most bridges ice up, since when its a warm day, it turns to water, but since there is air passing underneath, it has no warmth(ground) so bridges are very icy during cold damp weather.

yea but why was some ass standing there with a camera filming it instead of holding a sign saying ICE?

for our amusement i guess…

Cuz the he’d have to go out in his car to the local crafts and supplies store
and find himself a bristol board and some Sharpies to write with. :roll:

By the looks of it, it happens just after the overpass on a bridge, so
people really can’t see much ahead of time.

I think the best the camera dude could have done was to call the cops
or some traffic enforcer or whatever.

Cuz the he’d have to go out in his car to the local crafts and supplies store
and find himself a bristol board and some Sharpies to write with. :roll:

By the looks of it, it happens just after the overpass on a bridge, so
people really can’t see much ahead of time.

I think the best the camera dude could have done was to call the cops
or some traffic enforcer or whatever.[/quote]

i dunno about you but i always have a pen and paper in my car. anyway fine bad example, but my point was he decides to go grab the camera and setup and watch people crash rather than try to help?

ya, or how about some salt on the ice? or some dirt maybe?

is this not a case of spilled milk?

no, most bridges ice up, since when its a warm day, it turns to water, but since there is air passing underneath, it has no warmth(ground) so bridges are very icy during cold damp weather.


I think that Polak182’s name should be changed to “Bill Nye the science guy 182”

…thanks Bill :salut:

hahahahahaha, how about…no
im jokin, its just what we learned in school

lol, i did, dont worry about it. i wasnt serious. you funny