Be_Rad, i have a question for you

I was cruzin down babcock abotu an hour ago, and I thought i saw you at the redlight where thompson is, i turned on thompson, and got on mcknight, and i saw the car.

Im not sure if it was you, it looked EXACTLY like your car, ecept it was white. Had the black hood and everything… do you know who that was?

Or was it you, and your car looked white?

That might have been Hoagie, its a white Audi A4 (he cop’d my style) anyway, yes, our cars look very similar and are easily mistaken. I am the better looking driver though :ladies: :wink:

pretty easy to see you being your HEAD sticks out through the moon roof…

Hmmmmm…7 foot white fag or a semi normal white man in an audi…u tell me…

Look for the car club stickers

His car is “actually” running though…car club stickers on running car>car club stickers on NON running car:asshole

you cant see over the wheel.

And ur stomach muscles are properly trained to steer the wheel casue ur T-rex arms can’t reach past the hoagie and to the wheel:op:

where you been? mine has been running since april


what stomach muscles? :crying:

I stil scored two more td’s than you had sunday.

ya…um…obviously u forgot the last 3-4 i scored as the QB…guess ur mind was on frisches chicken parm instead of the game:stick:

The wheel…
Funny you cant fit between the seat and the wheel…

ill fit your head between the wheel and my nuts

being your car has 2 seats wheres the 3rd person goona sit??

You know the person thats goona need to hold your dick fat up so your nuts will be exposed.

umm FUPA

fat upper pussy area. :puke:

burnyd has a fupa?

:rofl: at this thread

burnys fupa > quiks head (size, not smell)
