
I just got a case of Dos Equis.

I betcha that taste good for $12 a case

I’ll have a samual jackson

marry me!

will you still include sex?

if he is buying me Hoegaarden then heck ya!

I guess I should include my other favs. That bud, coors miller is shit and not real beer IMO. That’s the beer you drink when you don’t know any better.

Dark beers are great, but they aren’t my thing. Molson XXX, Yuengling, Red Hook and Magic Hat are my go to beers :slight_smile:

actually, lionshead is pretty good. tastes like beer too.

x2 i had it on more than one occasion, its a very decent beer for 12 a case

but i am a hoegaarden fan as well, blue moon is good
if im just drinking normal beer its yuengling for sure

i been drinking sam adams and German Weizen’s

once again. bud anything isnt beer. it’s piss.

Id rather drink Pabst

:yum: :beer:

Grolsch… FTW… and you get a neat opening bottle

I’d avoid imports in green and clear bottles, even more than domestics in them, IMO. I’ve gotten more skunked green and clear bottle imports than I can remember.

hoegaarden what kind of beer is this. i might have to try it

Hefewiezen FTW, such as Frankziskaner (German), Wittekerke (Belgian) well basically any belgian beer is killer.

Take your $75 (which I see you already blew) and hit the Sharp Edge and pick beers that are 10% or higher from any country and proceed to forget you were even there :beer:

slowcamaro: Hoegaarden is a style of wheat beer, perfected by the belgians, called hefewiezen (pronounced he-fay-visen) They are typically cloudy (unfiltered) moderately strong, but very smooth and easy to drink…in fact they are too easy… I can give you a huge list of hefe’s to try.

Road Trip?!?!?!

mmm…haven’t had Frankzi in a long while… :beer:

We need to make a FatHeads run ASAP

I dont think i need a list of hefe since i drink them all ready. i think i am well studied in Hefe since i lived in Germany for 3 years :beer:god do i miss Germany. road trip for october fest anyone lol

same sex marriages ftL