Best lowball you have ever got on SON?

I have been the same way in the past…but I now realize that people like that are few and far between.

Some twat came to look at my car once and really pissed me off. He had called and made an offer (the conversation took a whole 3 seconds, he basically offered, and I said no, and I’ll call you if I change my mind, end of call), and I said no because it was way too low, then the next day he called again when I wasn’t home and my mother decided to tell him that he could come. I was an hour away asleep at my gf’s place and I had to wake up and drive back to show the guy the car. The guy takes a 10 second look at it and says he doesn’t want it and I’m asking too much for it. He then takes the next 15 minutes walking around the car telling me everything wrong with it. Buddy, you’re a retard, I own the fucking car, I know whats wrong with it. He then tells me that he sees cars like mine going for half of what I was asking and I’m asking too much. Bullshit, or he wouldn’t have driven 2 hours to come see my car. He then yells at me for not telling him the details, even though I NEVER TALKED TO HIM. Pissed me off.

I also love the emails like: “I have 1/4 what you’re asking, its all I’ve got on me right now, let me know” those are hilarious.

None of these are SON stories, but I had to vent a little. Because I’m a nice guy I gave a very small amount less than the posted price for both cars I’ve owned and didn’t feel the need to rip them off because I had some excess cash at the time. Both times that came back to bite me in the ass, as both times I needed massive work done very shortly after buying the cars where I did need the money.

Coles Notes: Being the nice guy gets you screwed, sadly. So much for car guys being in it together.