Best lowball you have ever got on SON?

i have no problem with djinfinit
i say this as a joke,
he bought some stuff off me then before his dad offered 20 dollars for a brand new in box 2way alarm i was selling for 100.

he’s a good kid, just needs to learn when to shhh.

he bought some stuff off me then before HE LEFT his dad offered 20 dollars for a brand new in box 2way alarm i was selling for 100.

fucking edit

yooo man, i want that alarm, 10 bucks… dilivered… firm.

I have been the same way in the past…but I now realize that people like that are few and far between.

Some twat came to look at my car once and really pissed me off. He had called and made an offer (the conversation took a whole 3 seconds, he basically offered, and I said no, and I’ll call you if I change my mind, end of call), and I said no because it was way too low, then the next day he called again when I wasn’t home and my mother decided to tell him that he could come. I was an hour away asleep at my gf’s place and I had to wake up and drive back to show the guy the car. The guy takes a 10 second look at it and says he doesn’t want it and I’m asking too much for it. He then takes the next 15 minutes walking around the car telling me everything wrong with it. Buddy, you’re a retard, I own the fucking car, I know whats wrong with it. He then tells me that he sees cars like mine going for half of what I was asking and I’m asking too much. Bullshit, or he wouldn’t have driven 2 hours to come see my car. He then yells at me for not telling him the details, even though I NEVER TALKED TO HIM. Pissed me off.

I also love the emails like: “I have 1/4 what you’re asking, its all I’ve got on me right now, let me know” those are hilarious.

None of these are SON stories, but I had to vent a little. Because I’m a nice guy I gave a very small amount less than the posted price for both cars I’ve owned and didn’t feel the need to rip them off because I had some excess cash at the time. Both times that came back to bite me in the ass, as both times I needed massive work done very shortly after buying the cars where I did need the money.

Coles Notes: Being the nice guy gets you screwed, sadly. So much for car guys being in it together.

eff randy see what happens? you wanna become like that kid who posted up how his girl was a model and he drove a sick benz?

wow what a gay thread :slight_smile:

sasha you are hilarious and DTS what the fuck were you on when you wrote that first post about the vtec and audi hahaha

a guy tried to pull the “i bought smokes and gas on the way over so I’m $20 short” thing on me once. I made him drive to the bank up the street and bring me the full amount that we agree’d on. I was giving him a retarded deal on a brand new exhaust manifold already. Why would I essentially give this guy $20? Do you walk around giving $20 to random people for no reason? No - so why would I do it? And why you? Even if I was going to, I’d rather give it to some other random person who didn’t piss me off.

You’re fuckin DEAD.

And as I recall crypticnissan, I did not even want to purchase it. I didn’t write in your thread. I PM’d you very politely and informed you that you were asking too much for your swap. I don’t know if you have sold it now, but be honest, did you get $500 for it, if anything at all? I bought my first swap complete for $200. Next swap I pieced it together for LESS THAN THAT.

I actually do…it happened yesterday. Some guy was flat out of gas at a gas station and left his wallet at work.

It’s not about the money for me. Haggling is one thing…lowballing is just a complete lack of respect.

One of my recent favs… for the sale of my great condition black leather interior…asking price is $500 btw.

Kingtut - i’ll give you $200 once i can get up there…im not low-balling you …that’s just my budjet…see what you can do man i realllllllly need seats BAAADLLY

Dan - Why would I sell them for $200? Seriously?

Kingtut - Depending on the condition of these seat…i might be able to increase my offering price

Dan - Don’t bother

Kingtut - Why do you say that?


I love this thread!

I haven’t had many issues at all on this board honestly.

As far as i’m concerned, go ahead and offer $2 for my $500 part, i’ll reply with my answer.

But what gets me is the percentage of people overall that are “flaky”. Their word, what they say they will do, has absolutely no real meaning (not just on this forum).

And that includes, but is not limited to people that show up with less money than was agreed upon, and people who want things “held” and you kindly do so only for them to not show/back out etc.

Just be open, honest, considerate and you’re probably not going to offend anyone.

Oh, and to the guys bragging about what they have - always be careful - pride before the fall…

Okay this is not really a lowball but when my buddy Marius was selling his S14 w/ and SR, car was in really good condition with exception to some rust. He told the guy that he could have it for $7,000 which was an AMAZING price to be honest.

So the guy came a second time to actually look at it, they took it for a long test drive, borrowed our jacks to look under the car, made us perform a compression test (everything was perfect, they didn’t believe us)… and it pretty much took over 3 - 4 hours in total.

In the end, they didn’t even call him back.

Like why the fuck would you come and look at a car a second time and when everything was good, you don’t bother to call back to even say no thanks?

The guy’s name on this board is Dosen by the way. If he is interested in any of your S14’s, I wouldn’t waste my time on him. He doesn’t even know what he wants.

And if the car was PERFECT, it would be worth a lot more than $7,000. I think some people just expect way too much.

Just wondering, did you accept any of the above offers?

Yea, but whatever. I’m not going to change who I am and be a crook, cause some other people are. The lesson I learned, is that not everyone is a nice guy, despite the fact that I’d like them to be.
It’s not worth to let bad experiences make you bitter, and that applies to anything in life, cars, girls, buying & selling, work, etc… Everything.
Nice guys get shafted on a lot of stuff, but they can sleep well at night. I don’t run a business, and I don’t sell a lot of things, but I like the fact that no one can ever say “OMG, Antonio fuckin ripped me off!”
I’ve sold most things at a loss, usually because I needed them gone quickly, for whatever reason. Someone is gonna get a really crazy deal on my Talon too, because I don’t want a reminder of how I got screwed because I had faith in the car community, sitting in my garage. I don’t want to look at the fuckin thing anymore. It fucks with my chi.


And I hear ya Mark…that’s what I mean by buyers/sellers doing their part to be considerate to each other.

Best lowball I’ve ever gotten was when I was selling my rims awhile back. I posted them for $800, they were basically brand new with tires, and someone messages me saying that they’d take them for $300 delivered. Too bad I cleared out my message inbox lol, it was hilarious to say the least. Sad part was, the guy didn’t sound like he was joking :stuck_out_tongue:

I hear what you’re saying, and I’m the same way. I’m extremely bitter about it, but when it comes to buying a car again, I’ll likely be a somewhat nice guy about it, and won’t go around trying to rip people off who are in desperate need of cash. I live in false hope that what goes around comes around, and eventually I might get some returns for not being a d-bag (like a lot of guys on this forum, and others, seem to be [and don’t realize it])

I also know what you mean about wanting to get rid of a car because you know you got screwed. It happened with my Trans Am, I had to replace the engine less than a couple hundred KMs after buying it, and after that, I needed to get rid of it. Every time I drove it, I just was reminded of how badly I got raped, and it wasn’t enjoyable to drive. It was a good car after a lot of work, but to me it wasn’t good memories.

Since I personally dislike the whole low-baller phenomena, I will usually ask “what do you want for it/what are you willing to take for it”

Because I know most everyone will post an item for what they paid or XX% higher than what they hope to get…

Sometimes I get the answer I want sometimes not, but at least without insulting someone over the price/value of the item.

Good point Darian, I’ve been asked this and before and have asked it myself.

I find that people get a little sensitive when selling their parts and overact to an offer made. Some people lowball, take dan’s post, selling leather interior for $500 and getting a $200 offer. If someone offered Dan $400 for his $500 interior, I wouldn’t consider that a lowball.

I’m not immune to making “lowball” offers… Most of the time, I just don’t know what the fair market value is… Just ask Varun, I lowball him all the time, especially on SR intake hoses… =D duck