Best lowball you have ever got on SON?

you mean look at my parents house…look at your car lmfao:)

Re full race manifold

A couple hundred dollars and some junk for a full race manifold, niiiiiice.

haha… i can get wholesale cost on it anyways with all the support.

plus we all know it doesnt really add much power anyways… it just lasts forever.

ps… that isnt even a lowball

One thing I notice on here that might also be affecting the situation is the fact that most people way OVERPRICE their items.

Sure you’re in canada, you have to pay customs and what not, but seriously, that one guy asking 7-900$ for rota’s with cooked tires and shitty offsets? You have to be kidding.

That’s when I’d offer like 3-400$, because that’s what the item is truely worth. Because I CAN GET IT BRAND NEW FOR AROUND THAT PRICE.

shitty example, but whatever.

also, that’s why I never buy local. f*cking ricer shops around here wanting 4xx$ for a yonaka intercooler hahaha

^^ truth

Newest lowball for Kollo’s car for sale Original price of 1250

yo bro if u want 2 spot it for 500 then i’ll take it cuz i alone have that much now sine i bought a ps3 that was 800[/QUOTE]

Let me get this straight. You started with $1300, you purchased a PS3 for $800 and have $500 left.

You do understand PS3’s cost $400 new… ?Regardless…

So, because YOU wanted a PS3, I should accept $500… well, that is all you have left, right?

Let me reverse your ingenius logic…

yo bro if u want 2 spot me 4050 then i’ll give it to u cuz i just bought a house that was 315,000 and need money for my mortgage[/QUOTE]

At this point in time I’m asking for $2250 for a 240sx w/ca18det and upgrades.

y do u even bother posting cars on son ? put it in trader and im sure u will get a sale before ur ad expires.

LOL thats jokes

If you were a rich mofo why would you be on a 240 forum?

Because 240’s are the best.

I got an awesome low ball that wasn’t from this forum, but I wanted to share it anyway :smiley:
A guy offered me a 2001 Impala, and said he would e-test & cert. Seemed like a sweet deal, so he comes by, we take the Talon for a rip, and he’s pretty happy.
Now it’s the Impala’s turn. I get in, turn the keys, and I’m greeted by a CEL, and the little digital display in the dash tells me that the oil needs to be changed, coolant is low, and a couple of other things I forgot. At this point, I’m a bit suspicious, but whatever.
The interior is a pig sty, but it’s just a winter car, so I don’t complain, and we get to driving. The car gets going, and there’s a bit of a clunk… I speed up a bit more, and it makes the most violent upshift I’ve ever felt in my life. And then… a TURN comes up :smiley:
I turn the wheel, and the car starts to shake and shimmy like crazy. I ask the guy WTF is going on, and he tells me that it’s just the balljoints, and I shouldn’t worry. He says I should take it on the highway to see that it’s nothing serious.
So, despite my better judgement, we go on the highway. It doesn’t shake on the straights, but it shakes pretty crazy on the on-ramp, to the point where I nearly crash.
We get back, park infront of my house, and I turn the car off. I hear a weird noise, so I pop the hood, and I hear a loud bubbling, and see coolant spilling out of the overflow tank.
I tell the guy that he prolly shouldn’t try driving it home like this, and offer him a beer. We spent the next hour talking about the US election while his car cooled to a driveable state.
Sufficeth to say, I did not accept the trade :smiley:

Was browsing the parts for sale section. Couldnt help but notice this.

Adam is a good guy when it comes to selling shit you could at least use proper grammar and spelling when lowballing him.

haha was that supposed to be two?

lol half the people on here shouldnt own cars.

I find 2 dollars an awkward number, what are you supposed to do? pay for the part with 1 toonie? At least make it a 5 dollar bill or something.

lol $2. haha

not really a low ball but along those lines
i was selling a type x wing from lsautomotive outa la for 100 bucks mint mint.
i was getting offers for 50, and pm’s that the price is to high for the wing.
not even a week later another user was selling his knock off of a knock of for 150 and everyone was all over it…fukn goofs i say


So i was selling brand new s13 kouki tails for $450 and this guy messages me:

Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 96

subject:kouki tails

ill give u 250 for the kouki tails…

this man should be shot

LOL, amazing.

I liked this thread, and this guy caught me at the wrong time so it’s back from the dead.

My FS thread:

$20 isn’t worth my time to drive to the post office.[/QUOTE]