Best lowball you have ever got on SON?

Yea, but whatever. I’m not going to change who I am and be a crook, cause some other people are. The lesson I learned, is that not everyone is a nice guy, despite the fact that I’d like them to be.
It’s not worth to let bad experiences make you bitter, and that applies to anything in life, cars, girls, buying & selling, work, etc… Everything.
Nice guys get shafted on a lot of stuff, but they can sleep well at night. I don’t run a business, and I don’t sell a lot of things, but I like the fact that no one can ever say “OMG, Antonio fuckin ripped me off!”
I’ve sold most things at a loss, usually because I needed them gone quickly, for whatever reason. Someone is gonna get a really crazy deal on my Talon too, because I don’t want a reminder of how I got screwed because I had faith in the car community, sitting in my garage. I don’t want to look at the fuckin thing anymore. It fucks with my chi.