Best Personal Times at AJ's Grand Prix.

yea but i think that with the right amount of weight u can help it threw the turns more. Like zero assault is about 150 or so i think and he slides alot more then me but pulls in the straights so to a certain point i think it evens out. 100lbs person vs a 400lbs is a different story.

bill,me and you heads up run what you brung

For those that have posted, and those that are going to post please include your weight. Not that I am saying I am slow because of it, as I know I have room to improve. But at least I can throw everything together in a quick excel plot add a trendline and see if there is a) a pattern, or b) some of us fatties suck and are using it as an excuse.

25.052 @ 212 lbs

If you are above the line = :tup:
On the line = o.k.
Below the line = :tdown:

Scotts assumed weight is 155 lbs.

take with a grain of …

this coming from the guy that argued with me that weight on a go cart would have no effect whatsoever? i think i still have the text if you wanna deny it home boy :shoot:

and lol, so far all i can think of while reading this is Mario Cart for N64, and reading in the little hand book the benefits and setbacks of the heavier characters vs the lighter and medium weight ones…

I’ll do anything to convince your sorry ass to come. Instead your phone “died”.

I’m way below the line. I only way 150.

I’m skinny as fuck, and I “think” I drive rather well. Can’t wait to go to see if I suck or rock now.

Good times tonite, broke the 24s

learned alot on this one.
should be in low 24’s high 23’s this weekend.

eh went once didnt really get to go casuse there was slow people all around. i got a 25.4ish. would love to go again

did you guys all go together? are you members? i wana check out my lap times

Most of us are members. We usually try and go in larger groups to have some fun.

I’m going to try and get sunday afternoon meets to be a normal thing. They’re usually not busy with annoying slow people and it’s usually a time everyones free.

X2 Sunday afternoons, nobody is there

Just don’t bring your friend.

might as well just sell the e30 now…


my best time was 26.423. not horrible.

jesus you guys must be spending a ton of money there

Fuck no, I’m really sorry about that. I’m going to apologize to them for that when I go this weekend. I didn’t think he was going to be a faggot like that. I’m seriously never going to hang out with him again. at all.

I’m close hahah…not.:slight_smile:

Trust me, next time you go you’ll hit high 24’s no problem.

I’ve spent over $100
I know articzap has to be close to $200 already.

that’s fucking ridiculous…

and do either of you plan on attending and participating in any track days this year? for the money you’re spending on go carts you could get a lot of real seat time…hence me not wanting to go yet…i’d rather save up for as many track events as my car will run through this year…

i don’t remember my time exactly… but I was 25.3xx i believe, maybe sureshot! or boardjnky saved their slips it has my time on it. Mine seemed to drift a lot, but i think it’s just because im not used to the karts at all and don’t know how to drive them. Also boardjnky spun out and stopped me twice :mad:

so for graphing sake, 25.3xx @ 210 lbs

my slip is in the car, i was at a 25.3 just faster then you jim, if I remember correctly, it was like .06 seconds off?