Best Personal Times at AJ's Grand Prix.

yea, was something like that, so maybe 25.4 just to make it easier. I know that i was not going as fast as I could so whenever I go back i’ll make sure to save the time :tup:

place was really fun, but pretty cold, I shoulda worn some gloves lol

I’ll be at a bunch of auto-x and track day events this year. I know there isn’t too much relation to gokarts and real track but I like to get the feel for running lines and see how I can improve lap times by making small changes in my runs. That I think will be beneficial to me.

i was wearing short sleeves!

Car won’t be ready for road racing this year. I won’t have any of the suspension parts to make it handle that well. I will be at Beaver Run though…

i think if anything it will be detrimental… while learning how to take lines sure helps, the dynamics of a go kart is completely whacked. You try to power through a turn and you just stop dead because the rear tires bounce and grip harder than the wheels accelerating can pull you.

also i really didn’t like that you can’t left foot brake (the karts shut the accel completely when you touch the brakes). left foot braking would have helped a lot i think…

I agree completely. I helps cure the winter fix as well.

yea, thats why i liked it… i almost felt the rush autocross gives, but i think only because i can’t currently autocross.

its fun regardless, but in the end it ratio of expense to enjoyment is probably worse than the ratio for real cars. it’s good for every once and a while though

Anyone up for lunch at AJ’s on friday?

im guna post the fastest time when i go i can bet on that. atriczap your guna go to the beaver with us rite? is your boy with the sweet s14 guna go too?

huge guy

What boy with what sweet S14? I do plan on going though.

So we got a serial crusher theory?

id bet against that… lol

gotta admit i lol’d right there

shit i wish i was still in buffalo, i bet i could get pretty close to the fastest time, if not beat it

No one over 200 lbs has broken 25 seconds…

24.7 here, several times in different karts. And im around 225 (+) … gotta get off the ESP diet :wink:

And I’m of the belief, especially there, that the lighter you are the faster your potential is. Anything you loose in the high speed turn (if weight helps you at all there), you gain in exit acceleration everywhere else.

Updated the original plot.

Looks like you have the greatest deviation from the norm. Anyone wanna put this thing to a bell curve and give Jon an A+?

letitroll is in the 25s and 200+ i think i had a 25.8 but i dont remember ill have to go back

Great fucking quote :tup: by far one of the best movies :slight_smile: