Best state to move to?

This. Funny thing to I read guns out number the state population 4:1

just like everybody that was going to move to Canada if Obama was elected president. Just a bunch of full of shit people

Unless you plan on farming jobs are hard to come by in a state like that with no real big cities.

south dakota is big in mining, my dad’s friend just moved there last week, got a job as a truck driver for a mining company

What’s wrong with PA?

They may have “liberal” residents except it also has no state income tax, almost no gun laws (In fact it is I believe the only state where you don’t need a license to carry concealed). They do have auto inspections though, similar to NYS.

Someone is taking money from my paycheck every week then.

You’re right, no license for conceal or open carry. No pistol permits. Nothing is registered.

I don’t know how NYS is with vehicle inspections, but every year we get ours inspected, a new sticker on the windshield and you’re good to go. Diagnostic checks are still hit or miss depending how the garage is.

We had to talk about VT inspections a little bit in school. They are almost exactly the same as NYS.

I ddint think you had state income tax, not talking about Federal. If you do its still really low isnt it?

yea, vermont won’t work for me either. its baffling to me how that state is filled with liberal cunts and hippies and hasn’t gone down the drain yet.

For 7 years I never had a vehicle plugged in at an inspection station until he got busted. It all depends who you know and how many fucks they give. By the book? Sure, probably close to being the same. Last time I got my inspection nothing is electronically submitted with the OBD device or whatever it is, its handwritten on a form.

State and Federal, state isn’t much but its still there. I know New Hampshire has no sales tax which is sometimes worth the drive depending on what you’re buying: State taxes: Vermont

To understand Vermont. You must live in Vermont. I LOVE Vermont the state. I HATE Vermont the economy.

You need to be in a different state of mind to really enjoy it there. I have worked in Chittenden (?) County quite a bit. Every morning there is a conversation in a general store about who makes less money and who struggles more. It’s pretty unbelievable. Its like they’re proud to have nothing. I have never been to anywhere that’s like that.

My Cousin is a non-union plumber in VT. Makes $12/hr and works about 4 months a year.

I like Vermont and have a bunch of friends that live there but it seems like theres really nothing there and most people are just barely getting by.

The Walmart I went to in Bennington a few weeks ago would fit in the lawn and garden department of most Walmarts here.

That Walmart was JUST BARELY approved for there too. There was a lot of opposition.

Problem with places like VT is as Jim says, clearly the cost of living/housing is lower as there are more problems with employment.

That… and Rutland is a shit hole.

Exactly. I’m living where I’m tried to get PAID. I considered moving to NYC to get really paid, but the cost of housing offsets it.

Me and my girlfriend are planning to move to Bennington but I own a business here so i’ll just be commuting. Seems to be me like the best of both worlds.

make my words. money isn’t worth shit without freedom.

New Hampshire is pretty decent too. Hell you don’t even need a seatbelt or motorcycle helmet there haha.

Anyone who doesn’t wear a helmet on a motorcycle deserves to have their head split open.

I don’t care where you go…Be prepared for some sort of compromise. Nice weather-Hurricanes, Tornadoes…Lower taxes-worse school systems, etc
There is a lot to consider, particularly if you have or are going to start a family. That being said…I kind of like the Carolina’s, the midwest and Arkansas.