Best state to move to?

Look up Act 250 and that will answer your questions about Vermont. Better yet, here you go:

That makes it VERY difficult for any new business to enter the state. It’s almost as if the state doesn’t want you here. Global Foundaries would be tied up in 30 years of shit before a shovel of dirt was even moved if they wanted to do business here. That’s why I look at Malta and often wonder what this area would be like if we had something like that here. Walmart takes forever to open up because all the small mom & pop overpriced stores have a meltdown. Then Act 250 bullshit has to do traffic studies, environmental impact, what it will look like, etc. Fuck, when the BestBuy in Williston opened up they were told they had to fix the front of the store because it was a few feet too high. It’s fucked.

I tell every kid in college to get the fuck out of this state because there’s nothing here and you’re lucky if you do find something. You guys around the capital region have a good area with potential to live in, a state that seems to want to promote jobs and future growth rather than worry about 5 frogs in a stream that might be displaced over 150 new jobs.

North Carolina is pretty awesome, to get specific I’m in charlotte and the area is amazing. Great weather, cheap to live and the wages are quite comparable to the Albany area from what I have seen. In fact I moved down here for a raise.

That’s saying anyone who goes over 100mph in a car deserves to hit a tree. Because a seatbelt and airbag will be pretty much useless at that speed.

Right, it’s illegal to drive anywhere that you could drive 100mph and hit a tree.

If you want to ride a bike without a helmet, go ahead, but it’s like boning a prostitute without a condom. You’re going to get fucked up eventually.

And yet people still do it all the time…

eh youre grasping at straws on this one


I know! Love ya buddy LOL.

I actually have rode in NH without a helmet a few times, yes its taking a chance but so is getting into a car everyday with the way people drive in this state!

I don’t know what you do, but I have to disagree with that.

A guy I work with (same job as I have) moved to Charlotte for a major paycut, but way cheaper living expenses. He says it was about even including the property taxes and heat costs, but was ready for a change.

He had 3 kids, he had to take them out of school in NC because they were so far ahead of all the other kids coming from NY that they were getting in trouble from being bored.

That’s an all hearsay story from my buddy, but now he’s trying to take a job back in Syracuse… SYRACUSE.

I guess sometimes you get what you pay for.

Interesting because it seems like VT has just the clientele Walmart is looking for.

That store had to be something else before Walmart though because it doesnt look like a Walmart built store and certainly doesnt have the size. Maybe Ames?

Even the shitbag Walmart here in Rotterdam and the original to this area Walmart in Latham are much bigger.

The Gloversville one is a small dump too but still bigger than the one in Bennington.

What I dont like about VT is that you have to drive for several miles to a store or pretty much anything else. Most of my friends that live there make shopping trips to the Albany area or MA a few times a month because theres really nothing in their areas.

i think anyone one who decides not to wear a helmet should be able to make his own decision.

law makers should not be telling you what to do or how to live.

money isnt worth shit unless you think its worth something.

if your brought up to believe its of value you might break your back for some pocket change every year like most


maybe not in this country lol… my fathers friend ran some dude over by accident with the chief of police in the car in the DR, he threw his cop friend $100 and the cop told him to keep driving lol… I gotta set my life up to where I can make some residual income without working and then I wanna move to a poor country soo bad… You can live like GOD with Mcdonalds cash flow.

I looked at moving to Vermont. Burlington in particular because I had landed a pretty decent job there in fact but when it came down to it rent for a decent place similar to Saratoga was pretty much the same, I found the traffic around the city and parking to SUCK and I personally did not like how many homeless people there are or how ballsy the homeless people there are.

Why has no one mentioned New Hampshire. Live Free or Die

I didn’t say it was a good idea not to but it’s nice to know you can let Darwinism run its course more freely there.

you dont need a helmet in CT either. Sure is weird seeing a guy ride by on a bike without one

Florida, Texas.

Grass ain’t always greener… Although I do like warm weather

money still pays my mortgage, i don’t think my lender is going to be very pleased with the barter system. Does money have a monetary value? yes of course it does, your point is proven wrong.

do your political views stem from anything other than a comedic movie you’ve seen? you sound like a freshman who just took ecomonics 101 and thinks they’ve cracked the Da Vinci Code

Ive considered moving for a few years. Never pulled the trigger (pun intended) on it because I didn’t want to leave friends and all of my family.
That being said: I’ve traveled a lot(actually waiting for my flight out of Phoenix right now) and with all of the places I’ve been my top picks are: Carolina’s , Texas (Dallas/Austin), Phoenix, SanDiego.

I’d keep my house in colonie and rent both apts out, that would pay for a new place by itself. Cost of living is much cheaper out here as well.