Best state to move to?

well, tx loves guns, it’s a red state, and the housing market is great. You can probably have 3x the house you have now, their houses are stupid cheap compared to us. And no snow, that’s awesome

I’ve been to Dallas before and loved it! Have you guys been anywhere else in Tx? Any cities down there better than others for jobs right now?

I have family down in south carolina and every time I visit I really enjoy it. Nice and warm not as humid as florida and the people are friendly.

Yes, a 4br 2bath colonial here that cost $325000 is like $169900 there.

I’ve been looking into TX as well, near Houston. A house my size but with a smaller yard is right around the down payment I made on this house. I’m considering the move to save a shit ton of money between the mortgage, taxes, etc…

Yea, I’m looking at somewhere near La Porte. Our shop is in La Porte and there is no way I’m going to deal with traffic in Houston every day. So I’d be limited to that area.

I have looked at Houston more than once. Or Katy.

I’ve been all over the country, Texas is awesome, Houston is hot and humid. Dallas forth worth and surrounding areas are the place to be.

I wish we could pack up and leave the ONLY thing keeping us here is our family’s. it’s hard to have them come give you a hand or watch the dog from 3k miles away

Katy is where I’d go. GF’s sister lives there and practically begs us to come down to live.

Frig you guys, I’m buying this brothel in the Nevada desert.

Naked women, beer, guns, desert, and trucks. Im sticking by that theme.

Im in Jim… Arizona or Nevada if I were to pack up this second.

You can always get a job with BNSF KBB

Oh I know. UP too. BNSF has an office in San Bernadino.