Best state to move to?

nh is religious people all over.

they pray to their god to help them instead of doing it their selves

I’ve been to NH probably 20 or so times over the last 10 yrs and haven’t noticed an overly religious vibe. Most people I run into are just generally very happy. I got IDed for beer there and the lady at the gas station saw Guilderland on my license and said she moved there from schenectady. Said it was the best decision ever. Granted this is coming from a middle aged gas station clerk so I dunno if that’s the right person to judge decision making skills on. But for all I know she could have owned the place.

Nevada is merica

Short story. The guy that picks up our scrap, brings his beat ass 1997 2500 to us all the time. Fuel lines rotted out, tank was leaking, couldnt even put it on the lift because we thought it would fold in half. Judging the book by the cover you would think he isnt doing so red hot.

in reality, he just needs this truck to last 130 days more, until his 2013 3500 crewcab duramax alison fully loaded truck is built and he can pick it up, lien free. Dude used to scrap old buildings, back when they had to PAY to get rid of it. He would bid on it. Get paid to take it away, and piled it up on his few acre property. Scrap went through the roof and he made 3/4 of a mill in a year. While doing that and leading up to it, he started with one appt, fixed, rented, got another, 7 later was making a good on the books living. He has never paid a single interest payment, load payment, finance charge, or owe’d anyone, a single penny.

Long list of “damn that dudes smart” stories. Best is how back when 3$ an hr was min wage, we would go out and collect WORMS, and sell them to a bait distributor. They would give him $15 a lb, he could get an lb in 20 minutes. He would make $100-200 a night under the table. Thats about 300-600$ this day in age. He would pay kids $5 an hr (2 more than min wage) to do the picking. 5 kids later, each night he would get $400-600 worth, or $1200-1800 this day in age a night! lol

I will never judge a book by the cover anymore!

Yup! A guy who works with my father who makes $300K+ a year refuses to pay more than 2000 dollars for a car because as long as it gets him from a-b it’s good enough. Also he’s single and lives in a modest 2 bedroom ranch that he bought outright from the start. He’s extremely frugal with his money and from the outside you wouldn’t expect a mid 6 figure income from him. He just prefers living simply. I’d kill to see what his savings looks like.

If you judged a book by its cover, you’d think 50 Shades of Grey is an actual novel – when in fact, it’s the script of a pretty intense S&M porno.

While the 50 shades books are terrible. I thoroughly enjoyed the few weeks my GF was reading them Haha

Annnnddd now we’re way off topic.

Who here lives in VT?


It going to be all out war here if strict gun laws are passed. Burlington can pack it in their liberal hipster ass.

Good luck brother. Keep up the good fight!

free for all fun time might be over vermont

texas, florida, or nevada (vegas).

texas will nenver get rid of guns, they love that shit.

florida has low restrictions, and no tax.

vegas has no taxs and super cheap property
-plus they have this -

Too bad all those places suck.
Florida is where Meth addicts go to live and pedophiles go to die.


Has anyone here actually lived in NC/SC?
That would make the most sense for me to one of these locations. West coast sounds great, but it’s hella far away.

Have friends that moved to NC, love it. They never looked back. They lived here for 25 years.

Same. Have a lot of family that has moved south and will never return. It is as good as they say. I look at it this way, NY would make a great place to vacation to.

this :+1

I used to live in North Carolina as a kid and I miss it so much. If you enjoy swimming from like march to september, Chick Fil A ( which by the way is the best fast food resteraunt ever), decently friendly people, the south is nice. And if you get lucky you’ll end up next to an old couple whos wife can cook homemade southern meals. Homemade iced tea and chicken and dumplings…So good.

I was just offered a transfer for my job to Houston for the second time now… it’s making for an extremely hard decision…