Best way to plug this line *pics*

Pictured is the back of a stock T25 setup.

Shown is red is where I need to plug the line since my turbo is not water

I stuck a bolt in there and ziptied it however today I noticed it was
dripping (about one drip every two second or so).

Hard to tell wether the line is slightly cracked or what but the bolt is in
there pretty tight.

Any of you with non-water cooled turbos, what did you do to resolve this?

Any quick fix using easy to access parts?


bolt, teflon tape, hose clamp, gasket goop

that HAS to seal it.

Details :squint:

just load 'er up with silicon between the bolt and the hose, that should fix it

since theres a water inlet…
shouldn’t there be a outlet???
can’t u just bypass it by putting a longer hose to go from the inlet to outlet to bypass the turbo???

The inlet is on the block just below the header (note teh silver bolt in
between 1st and 2nd runners)

Don’t think it would be a wise idea (see pic below):

Click to enlarge

IBnotes&pcv hose :hsugh:

Sasha, I’m starting to think it might be a slight crack in the hose as the
bolt is on there pretty snug. Sucks because it’s hard to see. :frowning:

get a solid metal slug, like cut off 1" of the right diameter dowel and clamp it

screws are not good for this, if the threads are really small you could silicone and might hold, if the threads are too large you risk eating into the hose and tearing it eventually, only a smooth object will seal

I think the bolt’s thread is what caused the cuts and possible leak.

-AN tube flare fitting and male cap…

that way, if down the road you chage to a water jacket turbo again you just up cap and plug in an -AN line… if you don’t then at least you have a really good seal on line.

I’m gonna have to agree with this guy^, use that line and byypass the turbo, right down to the where the other hose goes into the fittng below the turbo…

You’ll have to plug 2 lines or just connect them together, I say let the coolant flow… as it was designed to