Bicycle crew: Post your ride

You tell her no.

This bike has been grinding my gears… I want something similar, but I’m a lazy bastard.
That leaves me with… Where to buy?
Ebay and CL have been shit for the past few months.

For me it is since I’m only 5’6", but I don’t feel like spending the money on a hitch mount that will only be used for a bike that i also have to buy another rack for. At least the roof bars can be used for a storage bin, kayaks, etc. Plus the trunk racks scratch the shit out of the paint. I def don’t want that.

I have to agree here. The only thing she should be talking about is which of the sandwiches she made before you left you would like. (Although these might be in cooler too.)

lol @ telling her no

My rack is easy as pie to get the bike off though.

WAY BACK when, my family rented one of those GM mini vans that was rwd and looked like a toaster on wheels, whatever that one is called. It had a factory roof rack on it and it sounded like a tea kettle when they whistle. FUN FUN all the way to N.C… Even as a little guy Richard didn’t do well with things that annoyed him

I left just the bars on tonight going to dinner and I noticed a whistle for the first time, but its not that loud. I think I am going to buy a fork mount bike attachment, I hate how high this one sits.

Get a woven bungie cord and hook it at one end of the front tube, wrap it around like a candy cane to the other end and hook it. Bet that will remove 75% of the noise.

If you went with the SportRack brand roof rack, odds are it’s the same exact thing as a Thule rack. Sportrack is owned by Thule, and a lot of the parts are completely identical.

I picked up the cheap Sportrack fork mount rack because it fit factory crossbars that were present on my Subaru. They work great with the exception that I needed to modify the front mounts by using nuts and cutting the length of the U-bolts to avoid issues with the brake mounts on my bike.

Sadly don’t have a lot of free time to ride, so thinking of selling.

Bump - Any of you guys ride with an iPhone (or similar)? I just picked up a Trek2.1 and was thinking I’d like to use the iP4 GPS to track my rides. I’ve heard mixed things on the different mounts though, any personal experience?

Crappy shot loaded on my buddy’s car so I don’t completely jack the thread

I usually toss my phone into my camelback and wear earphones + run My Tracks.

Why not just buy a Garmin Edge 500? I just scored a brand new one off ebay for a decent price. Haven’t had a chance to use it yet though.

Should be able to come up with a much cheaper way to mount the phone I already have I figure.

If nothing seems to work well, then yes, I could get the Garmin.


Posted a thread for anyone that needs bike service work… Anything

Glad I do not have to ride in the city…

That is ridiculous. Hate the city with a passion.

Just got my new rebuilt toy back from the bike shop. Will post pictures later.

Still on the hunt for a bike you guys.

Hard-tail mt. bike, 6’4" rider, 210#, looking for quality used.


New toy - Klein Quantum

just a few of my riders…