been there and done that. ive been mauled by a siberian husky a couple times. You are aware that the hospital has to record dog bites and report them. Did you rat out your buddies dog out?
You should go to ECMC and get some rabies shots.
That burning SOAP… was probably betadyne. lol.
nope not Choda’s, he doesnt have a dog. And I know the family, so I know that the dog has all of its shots, no need for rabies shots.
So yeah I just slept for 3 hrs and woke up. OMFG!!! I rolled over on my hand in my sleep. the word ouch does not quite explain it lmfao. :suicide:
It probably injected venom…
rofl. yeah those damned German Shepard have a nasty poisonous bite. Though not deadly to most, they tend to cause immense pain and swelling.
Haha. Yeah, they’re killers. I think mine’s up to 4 rabbits and 2 rats in the 3 years we’ve lived here. Not bad for a backyard the size of a postage stamp.
lol. I remember when Chodas old dog found a rabbits nest and ate all the babies and we were laughing and his mom was flippin out. Now that I think of it that was like 10 years ago…damn.
Um… hospital? lawyer? police?
All seem like resonable solutions to this other than posting pictures on NYSpeed for something that serious.
pet the dog and say next time bite harder is more like nyspeed. lol
Future postal worker?
ouch… hope you heal just fine Jeg.
lol jays posting his puppy
It probably had super AIDS.
Good I hope his wheeler is going good, I was scared he was going to sick his dog on me?
damn double post
What it looks like now. Shitty pic cuz of my cam on my phone. It looks like it is healing sorta ok I guess considering this is my first time with something like this. My pinkey is so swollen its sticking out and I cant move it lol. Hurts like 10x worse than yesterday…but I love it. lets me know I’m alive.
Oh and I’m not afraid of dogs by any means lol. My dog bruno is bigger than the one that bit me, and if you notice in the pic just to the left of my hand, my german shepard mix (Jackie) is sleeping on the chair lol.
IDK if that’s inflamed, infected, or healing well… shitty pics
But keep that fucker clean, all that bacteria in a dogs mouth is insane