big ass German sheperd > me


Thank god you got your left hand or masturbation would have been a lesson in S&M.

Was it a ninja german shepard?

Ouch. I’ve had dogs all my life and am not scared of them. But when i travel in the southern tier for work i carry biscuts and watch for those nasty farmers german’s.

Just think. It probably was licking its ass right before it bit you. Now you have dog ass in your blood. :slight_smile:

OK i need to step in on this thread, I’ve stayed out of all jegs other stupid threads but this one is calling me name
This is how i see it happening.

thread correction - -

Friend’s dog was in a shed on his chain and I didn’t see him in there. I was walking down a hill to where the dog is always chained up. I seen him on his chain so i began to antagonize him. Insulting him by yelling “stupid mutt, aint so tough now are ya!” At this point i felt like i was the alpha male. The dog just laid there and took all my insults and blasphemes. So i decided to try and “rough it up” as i walked up to the calm relaxed chained up dog and began to wrestle his head around and pretend to jab at him. He growled but continued to ignore me. So I continued to haze the dog. The dog then barked at me. This sudden reaction cause me to fall backwards and get that little girl gut feeling. There was no way i was going to let a chained up dog get the best of me so i walked up to the outside limit of his chain, deepened my voice and yelled his name to show that declare that i had won this little altercation. I raised my hand acting like i was going to hit the dog for barking at me. when I walked by I startled him and he clamped down on my hand. When i acted like i was going to hit the dog, the Shepherd nipped me. I then yelped like a school girl and fell to my knees. Wasn’t his fault. He is a good guard dog, he just didn’t realize it was me sneaking up on him. as soon as he realized it was me he let go. The dog immediately backed into the corner and put his head down because he knew he did something wrong by the murmurs of my high pitched voice. It happened really fast and I didn’t even realize wtf happened till I saw my hand in his mouth lol. i went to the hospital and told everyone how huge this dog is and how vicious the attack was. I would create a new thread and I would tell everyone that i had no idea that the dog was chained there, i had no idea the dog would bite me, i had no idea about anything.

couple points if i may

1 - The dog is used to wrestling with tougher humans, like the owners two boys which are 6 and 8.
2 - jeg is an instigator, i would bet that he did something to get Max all fired up.
3 - if jeg came to the house with someone, he tried roughing with the dog to show off
4 - jeg smoked weed before arriving, i have trained the K9 to attack pot/crack heads.
5 - Max (the dog) is getting a treat the next time i see him for marking his territory (scaring jegs hand) and making jeg his bitch
6 - My father will slap the shit outta jeg for letting a dog get the best of him.
7 - If I have to put the dog down because jeg, i will torture him endless times and post all the vids here on nyspeed.
8 - Max is the K9 version of Kimbo because he usually runs two niggas a night, jeg was only a one bite KO.
9 - jeg lit a cig when pulling into the hospital parking lot

:tdown: to all u feeling bad for jeg, i laughed my ass off when he called me yesterday

bring the karma

… ps - my wheeler is sweet and hauls ass, thanks for asking. When i get a dog i will sick him om jeg all the time for no reason.

I really hope they do kill that dumb mutt now. Its bitten how many people already? He is a dangerous animal.

  1. I wasn’t wrestling with the dumb dog, all I did was walk past him when he was in the chicken coop, and I didn’t know he was there, or I would have gone a different way.

  2. I don’t smoke pot, and I couldn’t if I wanted to, as I still have bronchitis

  3. I quit smoking cigarettes 3 weeks ago.

  4. I was alone, and given the history of that dog concerning its habits of biting people and being overly aggressive, I don’t see how it is hard to believe that he would bite someone :gotme:

  5. the owner hasn’t even called me to ask if I am ok or anything, and when I tried to call earlier i was told said they don’t want to talk to me, and basically called me a liar about the dog bite.

  6. They are acting like its my fault that they own a viscous dog that bit my hand really bad.

oh, and its pretty shitty of you to take the side of the fucking dog that attacks me and blame me for it having to be put down. which it should.

josh i just talked to Max last night… he wants a rematch.

in the chicken coop, two enter, one survives.

:lol: awesome. i knew there was no way a jeg thread could have not ended in jeg being a fucking moron. i wish the dog took your hand off.

I love choda.

Amazing post.

respecting karma all the way around.

toasting in an epic bread!

JEG start a parody of your own thread called “_________ > me”

nyspeed will do the rest.

Oh lay off him. If I had a nickel for every time I walked past a chicken coop and a dog popped out and bit me I’d be a rich man.

well, I already know I’m a moron…but please elaborate as to why I am in this case.

dex, are you my long lost brother?

who wants to see me unleash Cujo into JEG’s bedroom in the middle of the night.

inb4 next weeks thread “Dog opened my bedroom window, jumped in, and bite me again”

what is your problem?

haha relax man.

and whats the chances that id come to akron in the middle of the night to traumatize you. :tspry:

it’d be funny as hell.

it’s possible. i actually just bought my first domestic car too. we may be soul mates.
