Bike Crew come in...

so we’re thinking about sometime in august riding down to florida, obviously we can’t ride on the thruway. Does anyone have any forums/web sites of any maps we could use to do so? I know it’s a long shot but figured I would ask.

Fuck that would be a long painful ride. Why couldn’t you ride on the thruway?

because bikes aren’t allowed on the thruway(I’m not talking about a motorcyle) we’re planning on making this a 2-3 week trip bring basic necessities alittle bit of cash/clothes and a tent. end of August ish

bikes aren’t allowed on the thruway? wtf? good thing i rode 200 miles on it this weekend. and saw about 30 other bikes…

i think he means bike not motorcycle

Mapquest will let you plan a route avoiding highways…

wiw u people suck at common sense

i was thinkin yuo meant motorcycles… u should change the title to BICYCLE…

uhhh well if I meant motorcycle I wouldnt have said bike, bicycle=bike, motorcycle=motorcycle and also if I can’t ride on a thruway wouldn’t that give it away?

Right, why would anyone assume that a 2000 mile bike trip would involve a motor? Of course bikes=bicycles/=motorcycles.



So has everyone all along thought that my SN meant that I’m a big fan of bicycling?

Not that anyone hasn’t already read this, but if you want people to understand that you’re planning a bicycle trip then you really should change the title. Most people are going to assume that a bike trip across the country will be a motorcycle trip. It’s just more likely than peddling across the country.

common sense would tell you not riding on the thruway what kind of bike I meant.

Apparently not, because a lot of people with common sense didn’t get it. Anyhow, I wonder if AAA could work up a route for you?

At first I thought you meant motorcycle. Then I read your reply and saw that you mean bicycle. Then I saw people being super fucking dumb because they cant read, so they have to complain. Seriously, who gives a shit.

Anyway, I think butch has the right idea.

either way that was the third post so who cares, i’m not a member of AAA so if anyone could call and ask would be appreciated.